

Jason's Pov...

As we were deployed to intercept the two kaijus we were given further orders to make sure that one of the kaijus a category 2 was needed.

However, we asked as to what reasons were there for us to make sure that the second category kaiju was even needed in the first place, but the only response that we got from our commander was one we heard as rookies at the recruitment and training camp saying, "It's above your pay grade".

We did not ask any further questions, however, we were thinking, "When was the last time someone said that to us?"

So from there we advanced and had the top of Hightower's cable connected to the Boeing CH-47 chinooks we then left the command center and headed towards the location of the two kaijus.

I then looked towards my sister and asked her a few questions to get her mind off of things, "So hey umm hows Tommy", I asked with a tone of curiosity.

She then looked and said, "He's fine, it's just that it's not the same after... after Daniel died", she answered with a tinge of sadness in her voice with tears in her eyes.

I looked into my sister's eyes and only saw the sadness in her eyes every time after my brother in law daniel died.

The truth is jill was once a pilot that was decommissioned after she got married, however, after a kaiju attack on Seattle, many casualties amounted up to 10,000 dead and 25,000 injured.

Her husband Daniel was one of the casualties who died due to working in the local pharmacy building right next to the Seattle port, which was the very spot that the kaiju began its attack.

Of course, jill and her son, Thomas were horrified and grieved for Daniel when they received the news.

However, life was cruel when they needed to find a source of income to help them live.

That was when Jill decided to go back to her old job and leave that peaceful life that she once had, however coincidentally she met me since I was also decommissioned after she left due to not being able to find a drift, compatible co-pilot.

But that was some bull crap I made up because I did not like anyone else getting inside my head unless I knew them on a personal level.

From there the two of us went through the process of becoming jaeger pilots once again which went smoothly as we already did it the first, of course, though we are paid the benefits of joining also included an apartment with tax-free to almost everything along with a monthly salary of 6k, this included living expense as well.

Of course only if the person continued as a pilot for 8-10 years or their family will receive full compensation if they meet their untimely resignation meaning death, my sister jill could not resist the benefits even at the cost of her death and so she became a Jaeger pilot, for her son and my nephew Thomas.

General Pov...

Anyways back to the present, as the two siblings were in the cockpit, and making their way into the ocean they received another message from their commander at the same time.

"Hightower, this is commander Brian, and the cavalry has arrived, remember once you reach the ocean floor we won't be able to reach you, so only contact us now if you require anything else," the communication was then disconnected leaving the two to be surprised and confused.

However, they then received an intercom coming from a different service. They then answered it, "Well hello there, how's it going Jason", Jason then recognized the voice as it was from an old friend during his first mission with his sister.

"Hey, Ty is that you man", the voice on the other end responded saying, "In the flesh brother".

The jaeger pilots that had just joined up with Jason and jill were Mason and Tyler, these two piloted one of the American mark 2 jaegers called, "Thunder fortress".

Anyways Jill then responded as she recognized the other pilot as well, "Hey there Tyler how are you", Mason, Tyler's co-pilot who was on the other end took a moment to recognize the voice.

But immediately responded by asking Jill with a surprised tone in his voice, "Hey Jill is that you, I thought you got hitched with Daniel?"

Jill responded saying, "Yeah, I was", Tyler who was on the other end sadly understood and wanted to express his condolences but before he could Jill cut him off saying, "Its all right we got a mission first".

Then for the next few minutes, there was an awkward silence between the four jaeger pilots, until they received another message that came from a different jaeger.

They answered and the response came from two different pilots who responded saying, "This is Hidden dragon, we were sent to assist you if you need any help", the four jaeger pilots were stunned as they did not know there would be any other reinforcement coming except for Thunder fortress.

Jason asked who they were, "Hey which division are you guys from", the pilots only responded saying, "Chinese division", Jason and others were shocked as the Chinese division rarely sent any help unless it was a request or an emergency from a neighboring command center.

However, the other four pilots did not ask to pry them of any questions as it would probably have nothing to do with them, the rest of the trip was the same until they got a notification that they were nearing the two kaijus locations.

The three jaegers went into an attack position and were ready for the drop into the ocean water.

After 2-3 minutes or so, the chinooks released the jaeger into the deep sea and left back to base. The three jaegers then advanced further into the bottom of the ocean and we're just a mile away from the breach.

However, that was not the objective of their mission as they switched their vision to instrument mode(radar) as they could not see anything in front of them, they then kept moving until suddenly they saw two behemoths battling it out just a meters away.

Every single one of the Jaeger pilots was stunned as they had never once seen something like this at all, they then saw the smaller kaiju biting onto the other one's neck and managed to retract its head in time to avoid the other Kaijus attack.

They were amazed that the smaller kaiju seemed to possess a sign of intellect, which was not very common in most kaijus.

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