
Welcome to Palestine

Aza woke with a start! holding his hand to his chest he could feel his heart thumping like crazy.

it was the same dream again, those to winged guys it scared him so much to think if they were actually real.

Climbing out of bed he changed into his clothes and tidied up his study materials, placing his laptop into his bag. he walked downstairs to grab some breakfast, hearing his mother humming her favorite songs on the radio.

" Good morning ma." Aza greeted Carla, his mom.

she placed some eggs, ham and an orange on a plate and slid it in front of him so he could eat.

"Well kiddo, you look like you barely slept. was it the dream again?" Naturally, his mother saw right through his mood. She always knew when some thing was bothering her dear son.

"Yeah, but I'll be okay. the dreams dont scare me like the used to. I'm just nervous about this new school. " Using the new school as a chance to change the subject.

"That's okay sweetie. I spoke with the Principle and left your new schedule on the table by the front door."

"Thanks Ma, when I finish breakfast I'll head to school."

Carla knew there was more going on in his head but decided not to pry. "Alright, just be safe. call me if anything happens. Have a great first day of school!"

His Mother quickly shuffled out of the door and into her car. Starting the engine, she headed to work for the day.

Finishing his breakfast he grabbed his bag and schedule and abruptly left as well.

Getting into his car, he started the engine, and put down the convertible top. Aza pulled out of the drive way and swiftly pulled out of the neighborhood. Growing up in different areas Aza had learned to drive with a heavy foot. Tearing down the highway, he headed towards the school.

This little town was very different compared to where he had been up until recently. No one seemed to be in a hurry. No one! This concept alone would be a challenge to adjust to within the next few day until he adjusted.


"Shit!" Aza said under his breath, "What did I do?" using his signals he carefully pulled over to the side of the road and parked putting his hands on the wheel, and waiting for the officer.

"Well howdy. Do you have any idea why I pulled you over?" The officer asked while walking over to face Aza.

"No Sir, was I speeding?" he asked confused.

"Not at all. I scanned your plates back there and this car came back registered to a Carla Silver. would you happen to be related to her? "

Relief washed over Aza, and he quickly answered. " Yes she is my mother. We just recently moved into town, and I'm on my way to school."

"Alright, then there shouldnt be any problems. can I just see your liscence and insurance so I can clear it with the station?"

"Yes of course officer." Aza said opening the console and retrieved the documents.

Handing them to the officer, Aza returned his hands to the wheel.

"This is officer Niel. HQ You copy?" he asked over his radio.

"Copy Niel, whats the situation?"

I Have one Aza Silver here just need to run a liscence check. "

"Born April 21'st 2001.

6 ft tall

Black hair

Blue eyes

liscence number 398×××××

Issued in Houston Texas.

Mothers name is Clara Silver"

"you got all that?" officer Niel asked.

"10-4 running it through now" he heard the lady say.

After a few moments the lady came back over the radio. " All clear on that check. Hes good to go."

"10-4" Officer Niel said, putting the radio back on its strap. "Well kid. looks like you're all good to go. Just remember to behave yourself young man. "

Officer Niel haded Aza his licence and insurance, then returned his car and started the ignition. As Aza was returning the documents to his console, the officer pulled up next to his car, rolling fown the window. "Welcome to Palestine, and good luck in school young man!"

The car drove off leaving Aza to his thoughts. not even to school yet and already being singled out. He shifted the gear into 1st and accelerated down the road and turned into the school parking lot. Putting the sunroof back up Aza grabbed his bag and locked the car.

He walked to the front of the school and looked at the place hed be staying for who knows how long.


"Well, here goes nothing." He said, and rushed to his first class.

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