
Shall We Go To Titan? (Part 2)

The discussion to either proceed to Titan or return to earth was still going on. Almost two hours had passed but no decision had been taken.

Ultimately, Cathy got hold of a note pad and pen from the table placed at the corner of the dorm and started noting down what each person wanted.

Cathy got up and went to the center of the dorm and and started reading aloud.

"I will read aloud what each one has said."

"Zoya, Chris, Ben, Cathy and Tina are interested in going to Titan."Obviously, we want to see the culmination of this adventure and return. I do not thing anyone would want to go further.

"Ben is not interested but will go with the decision that everyone takes."

"Nanu and Zen want to go back to Utopia. Their opinion is that they have had enough of this secret adventure. Let others from Earth do the discovery when they acquire technology in the future."

"Danny and Shanna and Sunny are a confused lot. They are worried about the Orbs. What needs to be done to take them to Titan or send them back to Utopia. The the questions that the members return will be asked by Zia and Luke. Basically, why the rest have not returned.

"Sherpa's task was to take care of everyone on the flat satellite called the Magical World as well as collect the crystals and return."

"Hence we have 5 people i.e Zoya, Chris, Ben, Cathy and Tina who want to go to Titan.

"Nanu and Zen want to go back."

"The confused lot,i.e. Danny, Shanna and Sunny at heart want to go back."

"Sherpa also wants to go back."

If we go by majority decision then we need to go back. But if we remove the leader here from the list then we break even.

Hence, I thing those who want to proceed let them go and the rest can return with the Orbs.

"If we put this to vote then the outcome can be different." She added.

"Yes, I think if we go for secret vote then we will need to follow what the majority votes." Ben added.

"No, I do not think that would be right. If we go with the majority vote then we will need to return to Earth." Tina added.

"Tina, you do not want to return to earth as you want to get to know that chap Guy," added Nanu.

"I just felt sorry for him as he was so clumsy in that crocodile suit. At first I had thought that was their skin."replied Tina.

"My decision to proceed to Titan has nothing to do with Guy. I hope I am making myself clear."

"My words should clear the atmosphere about this strange notion you are letting to take roots in your mind."

"Besides, at present I am still in school. I need to stand on my feet for which education is important."

"We understand Tina, if Guy's heart has started beating for you it is not your fault may be this trip will give him an opportunity to make your heart beat for him too." Nanu responded. She further added, "But I am of the opinion that he will not let you go easily and will ultimately chase you back to Earth , to talk to you one to one or approach your parents."

"He is not looking for a good time as he seems to be in earnest and has marriage on his mind." added Chris.

"You guys stop this. Let her be," Zen said.

"I think we are deviating from the main subject matter under discussion," Ben added.

"Ok! once again everyone, please do not give ambigious answers. I am distributing pieces of paper to each one of you. Write 'Yes' for going ahead to Titan and 'No' for going back and also write your name below the yes or no that you indicate."

"There is no middle path." saying this Cathy tore a page rom the note book and made 11 equal short pieces and handed one to each person including herself.

She wrote her decision first and handed the pen to the nearest student. Then she picked up the empty container kept below the table, which probably served as a dustbin in the room, and added her folded piece of paper in it. She asked everyone to added their replies in the folded form into the container.

Soon all 11 had added their pieces of folded papers, indicating their yes or no on it. The outcome would decide whether they would go to Titan or return to Utopia and then back to their city.

Cathy called Sherpa to pile the 'Yes' pieces on one side of the table and the 'No' ones to be piled up on the other side of the table.

The 'Yes' pile was bigger than the 'No' pile. In the 'No' pile there were only two pieces of paper and those were of Nanu and Zen. All the rest, including Sherpa, had opted to go to Titan.

The ambigious lot had opted to proceed to Titan. Sherpa had opted to go ahead also as he felt it was his duty to guard the children.

"Since I am in charge here I need to announce the further course of action," Sherpa said.

"I will proceed to Titan as the duty to look after the children was entrusted to me by Zia and Luke."

Nanu and Zen have again opted to go back. We need to respect their decision and send the crystals and half the Orbs back. They will take a written message from me and hand it over to Zia and Luke."

"We will all accompany them to the portal area where we came in from i.e. the waterfall fall and the rock curtain through which we walked into this magical world. If there is another way, we will ask Aarvin, the old man with the beard, who is in charge of this guest house."

"There is a lot to do tomorrow. Please everyone go to sleep now."

"Boys, come with me to our dorm so that we all can hit our beds to get up early so that our tasks are accomplished. We need to talk to the Orbs and then prepare to send Nanu and Zen and half of the Orbs as well as the crystals back to Utopia."

"Good night ladies, sleep well !"

Saying this, Sherpa and the boys left the dorm and proceed to their own dorm to sleep.

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