

The Emperor looked down at the reddened bruise on his chest and slightly snorted. It seemed his little Xing er' had a bit more strength than he presumed.

"What's funny?" Lei Xing asked, looking at him with a disgruntled frown, "Do you know - understand how horrifying that experience was?" 

The Emperor innocently blinked at her as she continued her tirade, "You were dead - Okay, maybe not dead, dead for obvious reasons, BUT you were definitely - Okay, maybe not definitely -" She paused letting out an exasperated breath with a pout, "Look, I don't take to pounding people for fun, you know." She finished, folding her arms, irritated with the whole affair. She had seen the looks the Imperial doctors and servants had been giving her and now he was laughing at her too.

Naturally, it was upsetting and the Emperor's amused expression was not helping. She glared at him and added,  "I'm not crazy."

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