
Yess!!! Got a date

In college, during lab hour, as always Elsa was sitting with her eight member group and Ray was also present. There was a new guy present who helped the faculty and that guy was over friendly and oggles at any girl .

That guy would hover over Elsa's group trying to talk to everyone but many noticed that he paid more attention to Elsa. When other's used old equipments, Elsa's group got new equipments. When nobody understood anything in class, he specifically called out and asked whether she understood everything.

Soon, everyone started teasing Elsa, when everyone wanted some new wires for the electrical lab , they make her to go and ask him. Elsa was annoyed that he always stare at her but then, she ignored him. He calls her," Elllllllllllllllsa..." where he extends her 'l'. Ray teased her with that name and she blushed.


When she reached home, there was a message from Ray, " Hey Elllllllllllllsa.." to which she said , " Elsa" and talked about that new guy from lab.

Soon they became close enough to call , tease and ask how their day went.

Soon it was time for our college fest to happen, and the senior's made every junior's take a book full of coupons so that they can sell it to their friend's or neighbours and collect money.

Ray had a book and he came to us and asked whether we could buy some coupons from him. Feeling sad for him, she told him that she will buy three which made him very happy. But the next day, when Elsa checked her purse she only had money enough for one coupon and told him that. He said it was okay and thanked for atleast buying one.

During college fest, She was sad as she didn't meet Ray nor saw him for a second. She didn't text him after the coupon thing and he didn't either. She was happy that she was getting more close to Adina and came by her house once a week.

After college fest, it was exams and Elsa regretted taking engineering at this point of time. She complained to Alan, that either it was lab tests or exams, they won't even let us rest a little bit.

Alan said," See..!! Didn't i say so? College is hell and school is heaven. "

Elsa just sighed at this , but later she begged Ray and her friends to celebrate during the last day. At last, Ray said ," Okay!! Where do you want to go?" Elsa thought for some time and said ," Beach.. Let's go to a beach." It's been so many years since she last went to a beach.

Her family wasn't the outgoing type, they enjoyed being at home. So when she and her brother reached their teens , they stopped hanging out randomly and stayed at home.

So Elsa wanted to go to a beach and since Ray had to give a treat as he won first prize for a photography contest. They all decided to hang out with the exception of Gina as she planned on going with her boyfriend somewhere else.

Elsa was eager for the last day of exam , her mind was saying," Yess!!! She got a date." But her heart said, " It's with everyone though."

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