

Chapter 350 The moonlight is Hazy tonight!

  After arranging their accommodation, everyone returned to their respective rooms to rest. They came to Mingdu from Shrek Academy day and night, saying that it was impossible not to be tired.

  As night fell, everyone was resting in the room, and Zhu Ziyang quietly left Mingyue Hotel under Ma Xiaotao's gaze.

  No one noticed his actions. He hid his traces in the huge Mingdu City. When he reappeared, he was near an ordinary hotel in the outer city of Mingdu.

  Zhu Ziyang glanced at the name of the hotel, Xiyue Hotel, that's right, this is it.

  He smiled softly, his mind moved, and with a flicker of light, he appeared in the top floor room of Xiyue Hotel.


  The people in the room immediately noticed Zhu Ziyang's appearance, and a vigilant scolding came, followed by a turquoise wind blade.

  "Old Song, don't be nervous, it's me."Zhu Ziyang broke the wind blade casually, chuckled, and said.

  "Ziyang!"Two excited voices came, one clear and gentle, the other old and kind. The people in this room were Zhang Lexuan and Song Lao.

  As soon as Zhu Ziyang's figure stood firm, Zhang Lexuan rushed up excitedly and wanted to hug Zhu Ziyang, but she seemed to have thought of something, and her movements suddenly stagnated, only with a gentle smile on her face.

  Facing Zhang Lexuan, who had scruples, Zhu Ziyang was much more free and easy. He put his arms around Zhang Lexuan, took her into his arms, and said softly: "Sister Lexuan, it's been a long time since I saw you!""

  "Hmm!Long time no see, Ziyang!"Zhang Lexuan was taken aback by Zhu Ziyang's behavior, her eyes subconsciously looked back, and when she saw Song Lao's expression as old, she hugged Zhu Ziyang with confidence and whispered.

  Song Lao looked at the two young people who were hugging each other, their faces were dark, but she couldn't help sighing in her heart. She was worried about her disciple and helpless for Zhu Ziyang's passion.

  It took a long time for Zhu Ziyang and Zhang Lexuan to separate. He couldn't see the slightest embarrassment on his face. He smiled and said to Song Lao: "Song Lao, it's been a long time since I saw you. I've worked hard for you this year."

  "Hehe."Song Lao smiled, waved his hand and said, "It's not hard work, it's mainly the Le Xuan girl who is working hard, and the old body just plays an auxiliary role.""

  "You are humble."Zhu Ziyang said with a smile, "You should have met with the eldest sister and the others, right?""

  "Yes!"Hearing Zhu Ziyang's words, Zhang Lexuan and Song Lao immediately became serious. Zhang Lexuan said, "We heard from Dean Xian that the college intends to cooperate with the people of the two great empires of Tianxun and Xingluo to assassinate Xu Tianran, right?""

  "That's right."Zhu Ziyang nodded and said, "This is why I came to you."

  The plan of the two great empires is to assassinate, at least to seriously injure Xu Tianran. They hope to use this to delay the war, but we all know very well that this is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

  Of course, this has nothing to do with us. The idea of the college and I is to kill Xu Tianran and other direct members of the Japanese bloodline directly and neatly, haha,"

  Speaking of this, Zhu Ziyang suddenly laughed.

  "Speaking of which, we would like to thank Xu Tianran. This guy is indeed a ruthless lord. Almost all members of the direct line of the Sun Sect are confined to the palace by him, which saves us a lot of effort. I guess, he intends to get rid of them all after he ascends the throne. Let's get rid of them.

  Hehe, digress. After we solve Xu Tianran and other members of the Sun and Moon Empire, there will inevitably be severe turmoil at the top of the Sun and Moon Empire. I estimate that they will not be able to find a suitable heir to the throne in a short time. At that time, it will be Sister Le Xuan. Your opportunity."

  Zhu Ziyang said a lot in one breath, Zhang Lexuan and Song Lao listened very seriously, showing thoughts from time to time.

  "Ziyang, we understand what you mean."Zhang Lexuan said, "Let's go back and prepare.""   

  "Don't worry," Zhu Ziyang looked at Zhang Lexuan and Song Lao, who were about to leave, and immediately stopped. "There is still a period of time before the assassination operation is implemented. The specific time has not yet been determined. I will wait until I have contact with Tianxun and Xingluo before I can make a determination. When the time is determined, it will not be too late for you to leave. In the next time, it will be no problem for you to stay in Mingdu for a while."

  "That's it, too."Zhang Lexuan and Song Lao heard the words, and after looking at each other, Song Lao said with a smile, "Okay, let's talk to you two young people. I'm going to rest when I'm old. Ha~ It's easy to get sleepy when you're old!""

  With an inexplicable smile on Song Lao's face, he turned and left the room, leaving Zhu Ziyang and Zhang Lexuan alone.

  After Song Lao left, the atmosphere in the room became a little ambiguous. Zhu Ziyang walked to Zhang Lexuan's side and said with a chuckle, "Sister Lexuan, how's it going?"Are you ready to be the queen?"

  "Oh~ what can I do even if I don't do it well?"Zhang Lexuan sighed, looked at Zhu Ziyang with a grudging expression, and said, "Everyone has already put so much energy into this plan. Is it because I'm not ready to give up?""

  "I wronged you, Sister Le Xuan!"Zhu Ziyang couldn't help feeling guilty when he heard this, he took Zhang Lexuan into his arms and said.

  "Are you taking pity on me?"Zhang Lexuan looked up at Zhu Ziyang, her red lips slightly pursed, her pretty face slightly drunk, with a chuckle on her face, and said.

  Such Zhang Lexuan, to be honest, Zhu Ziyang really saw it for the first time, so he fell without any resistance.

  Zhu Ziyang lowered his head and bit the beauty's lips directly, while the latter asked for it and the other offered it.

  Zhang Lexuan winked like silk, her face flushed, a pair of jade hands pressed against Zhu Ziyang's chest, her lips were close to Zhu Ziyang's ears, and she said angrily: "Ziyang..."

  Suddenly, without hesitation, Zhu Ziyang directly pressed Zhang Lexuan under his body.

  Zhang Lexuan looked at Zhu Ziyang affectionately, and said softly: "Ziyang, I want to be a mother..."

  For a while, the spring in the room was full, and the night outside the room was hazy, only the silver moon in the sky was still shining, as soft as a beautiful veil.


  The next day, Zhu Ziyang walked out of her bedroom. It happened that Ma Xiaotao also walked out of the room. After she saw Zhu Ziyang, a shyness suddenly appeared on her pretty face, and she curled her head with a snort, expressing dissatisfaction to Zhu Ziyang.

  "Haha~" Zhu Ziyang touched the back of his head embarrassedly. When he came back, Ma Xiaotao was asleep in his bed. He didn't hesitate to attack Ma Xiaotao without getting satisfaction from Zhang Lexuan.

  Girls' sense of smell is sometimes very sensitive. Ma Xiaotao smelled the strong female body fragrance exuding from Zhu Ziyang's body without surprise. She was pretty sure that this body fragrance did not belong to Jiang Nannan, Qian Lingyi, and Wu Huaner. Any one of them, but they are so familiar.

  So, under Ma Xiaotao's coercion, Zhu Ziyang had to tell about Zhang Lexuan, and then Ma Xiaotao became emotional, but not because Zhu Ziyang had a relationship with Zhang Lexuan, but because Zhu Ziyang didn't take a shower before he came back!

  Vulcan Douluo only felt very ashamed!

  The morning episode was skipped. During the day, people from Xingluo Royal Academy and Tianxun Diao Academy arrived at Mingyue Hotel one after another. They sent someone to contact the Shrek Academy team as soon as possible.

   Still in Haixi, I will go to Dunhuang tomorrow.

  (End of this chapter)

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