

Douluo's Martial Soul Evolution System Chapter 181 External Application of Soul Bone Division, Heterotail Wolf Left Bone Arm-UU Reading Mobile Version


  Feeling the pain from his body, the heterotail wolf instantly entered a state of anger.

  Although some of the wounds caused by the white dust are irrelevant, some are cut in a very dangerous position. Such as the abdomen, such as the chrysanthemum, and...

  In short, the different-tailed wolf is now very angry, and the key parts of his hands make him almost lose his mind. The five tails were like machine guns, constantly attacking the white dust.

  "Yingbu! "

  Because of Yingbu's reasons, the different-tailed wolf has not hit the white dust once until now, but has been consumed by the white dust, and from time to time there will be two more wounds on his body.

  Although the battle between the two sides seems to be that White dust has the upper hand on the surface, in fact, white dust can use all the skills that can improve his attributes. Every second, the consumption of his soul power is huge. His current state is actually similar to that of the opponent. Who can win the final victory depends on the perseverance of both sides.

  After half an hour, Bai Yue finally absorbed it successfully. As soon as the absorption was completed, he saw the white dust that was in a stalemate with the different-tailed wolf in front of him. Seeing this scene, Bai Yue was taken aback.

  However, he did not rush forward. He was just a small soul sect. The different-tailed wolf could kill him in seconds by moving his tail casually. If he acted indiscriminately, there is a high probability that he would only cause trouble to Bai Chen. Besides, nothing can be done.

  So Bai Yue just stopped in place and did not act.

  Bai Chen naturally noticed that Bai Yue had successfully absorbed it. Seeing that the other party did not act rashly, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this guy was not stupid.

  The wounded wolf, who was covered in wounds, had already backed down a little bit, but when he thought that he was injured there, he couldn't stop his anger.

  With a roar, it rushed towards the white dust again, but the speed was significantly slower than before.

  Noticing the opponent's movements, Bai Chen smiled. The 50,000-year-old soul beast was nothing more than that. Before he even figured out his physical condition, he charged indiscriminately. This different-tailed wolf was really stupid enough.

  Of course, even so, White Dust did not despise the enemy. After all, his current state is not very good, but unlike the different-tailed wolf, Bai Chen can see himself clearly, so when the different-tailed wolf rushed over, Bai Chen thought about what to do in an instant.

  "Yingbu! "

  In an instant, Bai Chen used the shadow step to avoid the attack.

  "Possessed by a demon! "

  Subsequently, the white dust Heavenly demon possessed, and an unusually amazing blood evil aura came from the body of the white dust. After the white dust avoided the opponent's attack, the puffer fish poisonous dagger in his hand directly pierced the lower abdomen of the different-tailed wolf. With a stroke, an oversized hole was drawn, and some intranets slowly fell out of the opponent's body.

  Afterwards, the different-tailed wolf took a few steps and fell down. A black soul ring appeared on top of his head. Seeing this scene, White dust relieved the martial soul possession, and then fell down with a "puff".

  Although Bai Chen was already very tired, he still didn't forget to take out the tail of the giant spirit, and then pierced the body of the different-tailed wolf and began to absorb the essence of the different-tailed wolf.

  In an instant, the length of the 12-meter-long tail of the giant spirit began to increase again, 12.5 meters, 13 meters, and 13.2 meters....

  In the end, after rising to 15 meters, his giant spirit tail finally stopped growing. Then, the white dust giant spirit tail, slowly, actually started from the middle, split in two, split into two thinner giant spirit tails, at this time, the different-tailed wolf has not been absorbed by the white dust giant spirit tail clean.

  The two tails were inserted into the body of the different-tailed wolf at the same time, and the tail of the white dust giant spirit began to be bold, but it was only just a little thicker, and the different-tailed wolf was completely absorbed by the white dust.

  Looking at the two 15-meter-long tails of giant spirits behind him, Bai Chen was still a little surprised. He didn't expect that his tail would split. In this way, when he fights with people in the future, his tail of giant spirits will increase in lethality by another level.

  After all, the lethality of two tails is much stronger than that of one tail, but I don't know if it will split in the future.

  Bai Chen took a closer look at his new tail. These two tails are tougher than before, and their strength is similar. Originally, the 15-meter tail should have more than these powers. It should be because of the split, so the power has weakened a bit, but it doesn't matter. After devouring some soul beasts, the power of Bai Chen's tail should be able to be raised.

  In addition, this different-tailed wolf dropped a 50,000-year-old left bone arm, which is an unexpected joy. The 50,000-year-old soul bone, even for Bai Chen, is a very amazing soul bone. In the future, if you get the left bone arm, you can use this piece as a promotion material.

  Bai Yue finally came over at this time and said, "Master, are you okay? "

  Hearing Bai Yue's words, Bai Chen nodded: "I'm fine, this time the harvest is not small, let's go back first, after going back, you show me your fourth soul skill. "

  "Yes! Master! "

  After speaking, the two went back. On the way, Bai Chen checked the attributes of the newly acquired left bone arm.

  [The left bone arm of the different-tailed wolf]

  Life span: 50,000 years

  Fit: 93%

  Completeness: 42%

  In addition to the completeness, this bone arm can really be regarded as a very perfect soul bone, but it is a pity that the completeness of this soul bone is too low, only 42%.

  Soon, the two returned to the cave, and Bai Chen said, "Come on, cover up your fourth soul skill for me!" "

  "Yes, master! "

  After speaking, Bai Yue was instantly possessed by the martial soul. Seeing Bai Yue's blood Shura Martial soul, Bai Chen was still more satisfied. Not to mention the others, this martial soul is still quite handsome, and it is still similar to a human martial soul. It should be very easy to fight.

  "The fourth soul skill! Bloody rain! "

  With that said, with Baiyue as the center, the radius is about 15 meters. Suddenly it began to rain with blood, and all the plants in the place shrouded in these blood rains withered instantly.

  Coincidentally, a ten-year-old colorful snake happened to be within the range of the bloody rain.

  The moment it came into contact with the rain of blood, this colorful snake was corroded cleanly.

  Seeing this scene, Bai Chen took a breath of cool air, and the bloody rain was so terrifying.

  Afterwards, the bloody rain lasted for three minutes before finally stopping.

  Bai Chen: "How is the consumption of your soul skill? "

  Bai Yue: "Master, this soul skill will probably consume 30% of my current soul skill. "

  Is it only 30%?

  Hearing this result, Bai Chen was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, this is normal, after all, this is an 8,500-year-old soul beast.

  "By the way, in addition to corrosion, does your bloody rain have any characteristics? "

  Hearing Bai Chen's words, Bai Yue nodded quickly and said, "People who are drenched by blood rain will enter a state of blood poisoning. The more blood rain they are drenched, the more serious the state of blood poisoning. People who enter the state of blood poisoning, all attributes will decrease, and when using soul skills, they will consume more soul power. "

  Is it blood poison? There is actually a poisoning effect. In this way, this skill is really powerful.

  The other side.

  Xingluo Empire.

  Davis sat in his mansion, listening to the report under his hand, and nodded in satisfaction.

  Recently, except for the failure of Long Yue's assassination of Bai Chen, all other things have gone very smoothly.


  After all, he didn't expect that Long Yue, the fool, could succeed in assassinating Bai Chen. He just tried it with the mentality of giving it a try. Now he looks at it and it really failed. He also explained his life there, and Davis only had two words to comment on Long Yue.


  In addition to this incident, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have not returned to the Xingluo Empire this time. After all, Dai Mubai's hands have been penetrated by white dust, and both hands are basically useless. The storming soul master has no hands. What's the use? If Dai Mubai goes back to the Xingluo Empire now, he will only be beaten to death by him.

  It is impossible to be as smooth as the original work. In this way, Davis has almost been confirmed as the prince of the Xingluo Empire. He was naturally happy, after all, he had lost to them in the battle with Shrek Academy before.

  Bai Chen really helped him solve a big problem, but even so, he still hasn't given up the idea of assassinating Bai Chen. Bai Chen's strength is really too strong. At Bai Chen's current growth rate, he will probably grow into the legendary 99-level peerless Douluo in the future.

  A peerless Douluo of the 99th level, not to mention the others, it is easy to assassinate him, even if he takes the title Douluo to his side as a bodyguard, it is useless.

  As for wooing Bai Chen, Davis has no such idea at all now. After all, Bai Chen had seen Long Yue by his side before, and Long Yue had gone to assassinate him. Even if it was him, UU看书wwww. uukanshu. com couldn't find any other reason for Bai Chen to join forces with him.

  It didn't take long for a guard to run over, and a guy in a cloak suddenly appeared outside the door for some reason, saying he wanted to see you.

  Hearing what the guards said, Davis seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then immediately said, "Come on, invite him in. "

  Seeing Davis' appearance, the guards did not dare to delay, and hurriedly ran out to make an announcement.

  Then, a man in a cloak walked in. After seeing each other, Davis immediately said, "You all go out and don't let anyone approach here. "

  "Yes, His Royal Highness. "

  After speaking, everyone in the room retreated, leaving only Davis and the cloak man.

  After everyone went out, Davis immediately said, "Well, there is no one anymore, you can take off your cloak. "

  Hearing what Davis said, the other party nodded, and then he opened the cloak.

  An old man who looked a little kind appeared in front of Davis.

  Seeing the other party's appearance, Davis looked at him in disbelief and said, "It turns out that you grew up like this. No wonder no one has discovered your identity for so many years. "


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