
29 Claude

"Is there anything else that you need me to safeguard? I understand that the vials will be my top priority and when you are not home Yuki will also need to be safeguarded." Claude looks into the house and remembers the layout of the place. "If she doesn't remember you then she will not remember me either. Do you think that she will trust someone she doesn't know?"

Cedric picked up the last box from the car and carried it in and placed it in his study. He hears Claude following him. "I doubt she remembers you. She is rather torn up about not remembering me and our past together. In this box is also some very important items that absolutely need to be protected. Once Yuki remembers our past together I will marry her."

Claude looks happy at his friend, "as your friend I am happy for you. I know that in the past you were deeply in love with Yuki. I was surprised the day you forgot your past with her and her family. I kept the secret as I thought something was strange when her family went missing and she was nowhere to be found. How much do you remember and when did your memory come back to you?"

Cedric turns and looks at his old friend and smiles, "I only remembered a little while ago. I got a letter today from Luna and Ryan. I remember how they passed away and most of my past now. There are some hazy parts still but a lot of it is clear as day. In the letter I got, it said that it may take some time for everything to come back to me." He sits down in his chair at his desk. He glances at the time. "It's three in the afternoon so when the sun goes down you will once again be able to see my love. I should tell you that you have no worries about her biting you."

Claude looks at Cedric sharply, "you formed the bond with her, didn't you? I know that it was necessary but you had to have eaten those chocolates. That must have been hard on your body. I was not expecting that you would be informing me that you had done this but congratulations." Claude bows down, "my king you are slowly gaining what you need to make everything right once more. I will forever serve you, my lord."

"I thought you would remember how much I hate that title. Then again I will have to get used to it sooner rather than later. As I am now almost the King of Vampires and Yuki will be their rightful Queen. I was in her mansion earlier today. That is how I collected the vials and the crowns. I know that they will be targeted and once we are crowned the attacks will get worse. Will you still swear your loyalty to me once again, Claude?" Cedric looks down at Claude smiling.

Claude looks up and takes Cedric's hand, "you know that there is nothing more I would rather do with my life. My blood is meant to serve you and I would love nothing more than to stay close to you. I have been your guard since you were twenty. If you did not accept me as your guard I would not have been killed off. So my life is yours and if I was not held captive on the night that you were attacked by your…"

"Do not relive your past mistakes only look forward to the future. I need your help and so I am asking you for it. I know where your loyalty lies and I know that it was not your fault for what happened. I will not hold that against you and neither will Yuki. She is still as sweet as before but a little more innocent I miss her assertive ways but she will gain that back. The one thing that has not changed is her love for my blood." Cedric stood back up. "I have to go back out. Feel free to dispose of any intruders unless you want more subjects to interrogate."

"I may capture a few more. Two may not be enough to get the information we need. I am glad that you have Royce is here still. Is Abigail still here as well? I will need something to eat for dinner." Claude asks this as he stands back up.

"I keep the trusted staff for as long as I can. You know that Royce made the choice to become a half-demon just so that he could live longer and serve me for the rest of his numbered life. Abigail is getting old but she refuses to quit and will be starting to train her replacement from the academy. You can go to the kitchen and order some food before I leave." Cedric walks towards the vials.

"I can see how much you care for her. I am glad that you got her back in your life. I will quickly order food and be back shortly." Claude bows and then walks out of the room to the kitchen to get some food.

Cedric watches Claude leave and sighs. 'This place is going to be rather lively once again. I can already see what is going to transpire. I hope that Yuki takes to having a bodyguard around as a good thing and not that I think she needs extra protection. I know that she can handle herself when she is awake but when she is asleep she is rather defenseless. I would perish if I lost her again. I can't even bare the thought of losing her after I just got her back. At least with the bond, I will not have to worry about living a bleak life without her once more.'

Claude came back into the room, "can I ask where you are going and is it just going to be me guarding you or are you going to call Damien as well?"

"I haven't contacted anyone else yet as this information is very sensitive and I don't trust anyone else. It's better to trust the few I know I can, then bringing in someone whom I am unsure of and f*cking everything up. At this time it is just a work matter that needs to be taken care of." Cedric walks to the door.

"No, I completely understand where you are coming from I will keep this to myself until you deem them worthy of your trust I know that you do not trust easily. I can not blame you with the way your past is. It is insane all the things that have happened in the past. I am glad that you are able to trust me. Go do what you need to get done and I will be here when you return." Claude walks over to the chair and sits down.

“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow

Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead

Walk beside me… just be my friend”

― Albert Camus

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