
New job?

As soon as Alex woke up he had a message on his phone from the 'Unknown' number from yesterday.

'429 Eastern drive, don't be late, your job starts a 10:00 am.'


As soon as he saw the message he called his boss from the convenience store and asked him for a few days off.

"Hey boss I need to ask a favor."

"(Sigh) what do you need now?" He asked while sounding defeated.

"Don't worry you'll love it."


"I need a few days of so I can go do a test run at a new job."



"Thanks! I owe you!"

Alex hangs up the phone and gets ready for the 'new' job.


After walking into the 3 story buliding and meeting with the receptionist, Alex told her he was here for a job and gave his name the receptionist told him to go to the top floor room 17 and there he would meet his manager.

When Alex walked through the door what meet his gaze was a skinny, tanned lady wearing the stereotypical lady office wear with the skirt, heels, and everything else.

"Hello my name is Felicia Gardener you may call me Ms. Gardener. I am the head of the small technology devision , I read you helped with building our website...nice work. Now since this is not a traditional interview i have to ask you what your strengths and weaknesses."

"Well with the website i'm sure you saw i am good at programming, i am also good in working with others, and i can stay up here to finish any work that needs to be done."

Alex could see a look of dissapointment flash through her eyes. "Though you have not accomplished anything you did show your skill in progamming the website so we will make a exeption for you and hire you."

this chapter is shorter because my internet started to slow down and my computer almost crashed on me

devilmastermindcreators' thoughts
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