
Second Batch!

Along with that one business manager that specializes in Building Construction, 9 more Construction Workers were tagged along. Although they aren't in the Governing team, they will surely prove useful for Bale Town, to at least fight off the blistering february cold. These Construction workers were the most vital to bring up there, even though Bale Town had a few Construction Workers of its own. But not enough to survive this winter when you think about it. Or they could just be lacking the proper tools.

Their primary task shall be to cover houses with thicker layers of planks, considering that this team has better supplies such as Iron Hammers, nails, saws and even quality axes. It will be easier and more effective. They don't have to wait for February to end in order to provide the town with some more warmth. They might not even have to work for a month there if improving houses is their only task. 

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