
11. Sanguine Saws Part-2

Bayani let out a blood-curdling scream. A scream that was so loud that it could tear the heavens apart.

Alon heard the noise and rushed to the back alley. He was shocked to see the terrifying scenario that awaited him. Bayani had covered his right eye with his hand and there was blood dripping through the gaps of his fingers. Aaron was lying on the ground and he was wincing in pain. The other goons had already run away from that place.

Alon walked towards Bayani with uncertain steps. He stopped at a foot away from him and looked at him. His hands and face were covered with blood and he refused to move his hand. Alon adamantly pulled his hand and saw something he never expected to see.

Bayani's eye had a straight cut and there was blood coming out of it. The area around the eye was full of jelly-like crystalline liquid that was turning translucent. Alon rushed to the corner and gagged into an empty dust bin. The sound of the vomit crashing again the walls of the metal-can echoed throughout the back alley.

"Alon, are you all right?" Bayani rushed to him and patted his back with his left hand.

Alon wanted to answer but he did not have the guts to looks back.

"I'm fine. You head to the hospital, I'll come along." He made sure not to make eye contact.

Bayani came right in front of Alon and lifted his face with his hand covered with blood, making the dreaded eye contact. Alon went back to the dust bin, retching once again. Bayani realised something, his face was looking horrible at this point and it could make anyone feel disgusted.

"Alon, you can head home. I'll come back after getting first-aid."

Bayani turned back and headed to the main street. Alon walked to their hostel and waited for him until midnight. Bayani returned back and headed straight to sleep. Usually, he greeted Alon with a simple 'Hello' or 'Hi' but today it was nothing but dreaded silence between them. Alon turned to the wall and tried to start a conversation.

"Um... How's the injury now?" He questioned.

"It's better. Thanks for the concern." He gave a blunt reply.

Alon turned towards Bayani to look at him. He looked less scary now. The bandage was covering half of his face and raven black hair was gelled to avoid getting in the way. His other eye seemed void as if its soul had been ripped out. He seemed different than the usual Bayani.

The night crept upon them and made them restless. It lasted longer than usual.


Alon woke up in the morning, got dressed up and headed to the school compound. Bayani decided to stay back as he was feeling drowsy.

He entered the class and sat down on his seat. He looked at the empty seat next to him and sighed.

'I guess I should have never gone to him. It was all my mistake.'

At about 12 o' clock during the biology period, the classroom door slid open and Bayani entered the class. He had a look of anguish on his face and he seemed in despair. The look on everyone's faces made the expression more prominent. Every single student had a look of disgust on their face.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Where is our old Bayani?"

"Who is this ugly ogre?"

These were the awkward conversations that were taking place inside the class. Bayani could not take it anymore and he rushed out of the classroom, trying to escape from the harsh reality. Alon couldn't take it anymore. He ran behind Bayani and caught him from behind.

"Where are you running off to?"

"I am going. I don't think anyone wants to see me." Bayani jerked his hand.

"I am sorry. It was all because of me."

"No. You are not at...fault." Bayani's voice cracked.

Alon stared right into Bayani's eyes. They seemed dead and expressionless. It was all because of him. The usually cheerful Bayani was on the verge of crying. It was all because of him. He was at fault.

He proceeded to open the bandages by unraveling them. There was a thick wad of cotton on his eye that he picked off, revealing the injured eye beneath. It was now stitched close but scabs had formed around the corner, making it more terrifying than the previous day.

Alon took a look at his face. It was glowing with innocence. The injury did not seem to bother him at all. He could only see the fair face and the gelled hair which he straightened on his face to make him look like Bayani. The Bayani which he knew.

"Now you look like the Bayani which everyone knows."

"Pfft... Shut up!" Bayani began to laugh.

"See, I told you. You have become the old Bayani and you cannot deny that."

"Yeah. Maybe."

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