

"Those two bastards," Shiya said over the phone. "Keep following them. He doesn't hesitate to go out with her..."

The thought of the two smiling at each other right now infuriated Shiya.

What is wrong with Zhaolin‽ She wanted to know so bad, but asking the other person on the phone would be a big mistake.

"Okay, bye." She said then quickly hung up, when she heard the door upstairs open. She turned to see who it was. 

It didn't take a second more before the light in the whole house came back on.

Zhihao stood at the top of the stairs, his hands in his pajamas pant and a very big frown on his face.


"I'm trying to catch some sleep, what is your problem?"

Good. Just good. Like father like son. The same daring attitude. Who gave this little boy so much courage?

The hand she used on holding her phone tightened.

"I'm sorry,"

"You always are." He hissed. "Who were you referring to as bastards?"

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