
Time turned reverse

An 18 years old high-school student is the time in a person's life to life to the fullest.

Jaylynne Steins, in her perfect youth phase, had always exposed gifted traits since a toddler till element school student, up to middle school and now. She must have been the 1st one to acquire the knowledge of speech amongst her age mates and has never wasted a single second on its useless misuse unlike others.

Her whole family and relatives were sure that the girl would uphold some pride for them, but her brother harboring other ideas, didn't let anyone impose on her like they did on him.

Arthur Steins was already 16 when Jay was born and doted on his sister more than a parent. Raising her sister alone away from their over- demanding parents as soon as he started off on his own wasn't easy, nor was fighting with both of them to deny keeping her with them. It had to be tough since Jay was only 4 and a half years old. But the real difficulty...was Jay herself!

Being a smart kid at that age was incredible and worrying as well. Arthur was sure that she could lead the life she wants and he can make it possible. Not until she stepped in her 6th year of age, and started revealing unnatural changes!

The limited voice he heard from her, had even decreased more than before. In the eyes of a 6 years old kid, the required brightness or cheerfulness was nowhere seen. Instead they were lonelier and icier than any other adult could ever bear. No usual demands and arrogance like a child would have, or no such habits or behavior. Only a nod to what Arthur would say, but never an utter of word on her own. He had thought it to be his lack of attention to family time that's making her be this way. Maybe she needed his presence. But that was far from it!

Arthur had even inquired if she was being bullied or abused in her school just to have received some shocking news.

Pretending to be ignorant to things around, Jay had never allowed friendship in her life once. Even when approached, her stare would make them back off. And that's not it!

Being a lonely kid, it's not true to say that she hasn't been a target for bullying once.

It was such a huge chaos that particular day when all the teachers had to appear and put their all to separate Jay and a 4th grader to keep her from choking her to death. She just wouldn't let go, as if she had clawed to her throat. And those eyes, with no light or mercy in them. Certainly not the kind of a 2nd grader.

It would be a relief if things went smoothly after just a warning, but no!

Once Jay was called upon and attempted to be struck by the ruler on her palm by the teacher, because she won't allow anyone to borrow her stuff or sit beside her. To her horror, only after the 1st swing, the teacher wasn't able to free the ruler from her palm at all despite all try. Before she knew it, she was holding one part of the ruler, and Jay was holding another. Even though she was looking low, her clearly raging eyes was like piercing through her feet. She had broken it off in her temper!

When summoned to the Principal's office the very same day, no one knew what has happened inside. Only rumors spread of how few of them had seen Jay leaving the office with no changed expression but a scared face worn by the Principal herself.

Jay's transfer took place shortly after.

That's when everything started.

No long after, Chris, their closest cousin came to reside alongside them. Arthur had no objection since Chris was responsible and did diligent work. Jay could have received some more company than being alone all day since he would be busy working.

Chris Kleiston, present scholar student, had even tried harder than Arthur to penetrate Jay's barrier. If Arthur was the protective kind, Chris was the considerate gentle one.

Till date, he never gave up on her.

Nor did Arthur. He just became a little clueless!

Things would have been different if only Jay had allowed them to enter her world and mind.


Somethings are best left unsaid…...only if I knew myself what it is actually…...

I haven't found a reason for it yet; do you know anything?

Physical ease out is the only way now I guess

How can I control you anyways?

I know, but isn't there any way? There is?

"Jay?", Chris pushed slightly at the unlocked door, "Who are you talking to?"

Jay slowly turned around without getting startled or surprised, "Was I?".

Her that short of an answer had a silent message that put an end to further enquiry. Chris stood for a while, his eyes scanning throughout the room. As he felt Jay noticing him bluntly, he just stared at her for a moment, nodded and prepared to leave.

"Chris?", Jay softly called without turning back at him," A room is for acknowledging private space you see. Do you understand?".

Her voice was bitterly piercing. She wasn't rude, but something in those words were sharp like dagger. This is not something normal. As Jay tilted her head and smiled for a reply, Chris swallowed hard and nodded again, closing the door behind him quickly.

Only if her strange behavior this whole while wasn't enough, now she has started talking in a manner which is creepy to conclude. She never smiles, and it made Chris gasp for extra air. It's a detonation that that didn't please her at all. It has been going on for a few days already now. Call him crazy, but what's really scary is hearing Jay whispering to herself. Talking to herself! He has no idea what goes on in that secluded of a room whole day, because the single phone in that room has no one in its contact list!

Chris never dared eavesdropping on her. He wasn't scared. He overcame all of it to its extend when he was younger and encountered his sister being so weird.

Jay is the reason, that everyone, Arthur and Chris and herself too, turned matured way before their present ages could handle.

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