
Chapter 6

I wake up early and get dressed with a smile on my face. I start listening to the subliminals while eating breakfast. I go trough the list of different subliminals and find one new one that I want to listen to. It is supposed to make the listeners skin more pure. Breakfast really tastes better when i am on a happy mood. It sure is interesting how our momentary feelings of happiness can increase the joy we get from the other things that we are doing at that moment.

I walk to school and during the first class our homeroom teacher informs us about our up coming play. She had chosen us a weird skript, which seems mildly Interesting. My classmates don't seem to be eager to acting at all. ...

Which is good! That increases my chances of getting a good role to play. }:‑D

We get to take the skript home and get familiar with it there.

Rest of todays classess just go fast by, without me noticing, because i am only thinking about how i could be an amazing actor.

I start doing those wierd nose pushing practises again for the sake of achieving that perfeckt pointy tipped fairy nose. ... Now my classmates have started staring at me oddly. I must admit that seeing a young woman poking her nose in middle of biology class must appear strange. Oh well, well oh. It is all for the sake of my future where people will like me because I shall be the most ultimate beauty.

School is over and I "skipeti skip skip" to home. My sister is also coming home at this time and we walk home together. "Our class is soon gonna make a school play!" :I tell her and she replies: "Uh huh, we did that too last year. Do you remember how i was the snow queen?" and then i answer: "Yup! You were one fat ice queen.". Now she stares at me with anger and spitefully whispers: "It is SNOW queen, you uncultured swine.". My sisters words sure are brutal. Besides what difference does it make if I say ice instead of snow. It might as well be polar queen.

At home I go in front of the mirror to check myself out and I really still am good looking today, but my hair is starting to get dirty. I must cleanse it with the power of shampoo and water.

After the shower I start picking clean clothes for tomorrow. Because of the fackt that my new red dress needs cleaning i must wear grey clothes again. Such a tragedy to turn back into a normal creep.

I really enjoyed wearing beautifull clothes.

I think that I should get more of them. It is too late in the evening now that I must leave it to some other day.

Before I go to sleep I think to myself 'Cold queen and freezing queen could also had been good alternate name options'.

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