
Las Vegas (11)

Aiden and Sarah exchanged glances and slowly kept two boxes from their hands on the ground, between them, slightly in the back. Their eyes were darting over bodyguards. Bodyguards glared at them with body postures which showed that they are ready to pounce at them any minute.

Sarah was not sure where these men came from. They didn't look like people who surrounded them previously. Just whose men are these? She didn't need to wait long to find out. A low, slow laugh came from behind bodyguards. It took few seconds for the man to stand in front of them so that they can see him.

"Akmal…" Sarah recognized pompous man. "What a surprise to see you here."

He glared at her with eyes full of hate. "Woman, wait your turn to speak!"

Sarah was outraged. "What age do you live in?"

"Silence! If you don't know your place, maybe I should teach you." Akmal sneered.

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