

The land was barren and desolate. Only gray-colored stones reach far between each massive landscape that stretches out in front of the person standing calmly and looking at the horizon.

His eyes particularly observed another figure of a woman a few paces in front of him who was walking towards a transport vehicle.

Then came another individual who sat on one such gray rock beside him and sighed a little.

"You sure you don't want to talk to her more?", he asked with a calm voice while taking out a canteen and taking a sip to quench his thirst in his throat.

The observer changed his focus and looked over to the parched man.

"No, she has learned what needs to be learned. I have to believe in her that she will make the best out of it. And since I do, it will be fine.", he responded to his question.

"I meant more in line with just talking, getting to know how each of you were doing, not mentoring. You really pulled some shenanigans ever since you died. But I guess you deserve as much after having done your -fate-." The man said after thinking a little and putting his drink away. His bright and colorful orange eyes trailed to the person he talked to.

In said eyes, a slight reflection of the person he was talking to appeared. The blue hue surrounding the person meant only one thing to those who had knowledge about the state the person was in.

"I just hope that she doesn't have to suffer as before. You know I won't tolerate it if she ends up hurt again..." 

The person only smiled at those words. "Aren't you with her? It should be fine then. Don't you think so?"

"We are talking about that wench here...Nothing good will come out of interacting with that corrupted being. Just me being here...I can feel so much disgusting darkness beyond just the necessity of survival. The darkness here is far more corrupt and defiling than the dark side ever could be. And you of all should know it...Anakin"

The force ghost only looked away. Then with another smile he nodded.

"Time to wake up to your -fate- then, Jack."



"Padawan!!" The world twisted and turned and suddenly warped into a completely different place entirely.

Jack looked around with an enormous nausea assaulting him. ONly finding Obi-Wan frowning at him.

"Is everything alright? You really look pale. And that says a lot with your heavy skin tone."

"I..." Jack rubbed his temple and shook off his confusion. "I'm alright. I just felt like I was somewhere else for a moment..." His gaze went over to Anakin and Ahsoka again who smiled at each other talking about the successful mission and final step of them becoming a team of mentor and apprentice.

'This is bad...That vision just now. It was so crystal clear. It is the first time it ever was like that. What just happened? What was that planet? Why was Anakin a force ghost? And what was I even talking about? What darkness?'

Now he contemplated his own words that came from his future self.

Nothing told him anything in detail. Just that they were on some kind of mission and that he felt worried about Ahsoka and something else.

All things considered, it felt weird, to say the least, to know that you yourself, are not just the only you.

[That is normal for your timeline. Don't worry about it too much...]

'Are there also other versions you, Terra?'


When he heard her answer he felt a slight wrongness in the answer itself. As if there was an underlying hint for him. But he couldn't figure out for what and why.

What was even the trigger that shot him that intense vision into his brain?

Looking at the duo again he finally noticed it. It's that interaction between them.

The young Ahsoka was grinning proudly towards an amiably smiling Anakin. That smile. Anakin had such a smile on his face. The damn smirk he also saw in his vision.

"I see..." He contemplated again now and refocused on his own mentor again who still stared at him. This time a raised brow on his left eye shot at him.

"Where were we again, mentor? I seem to have missed some of the debriefing." That sentence alone could normally make other people even more worried about you.

But Obi-Wan felt a slight turbulence in the Force that riled the atmosphere around Jack. He was a Jedi for long enough to get hints about his Padawan having the unfortunate luck of an intense vision hitting him.

His own master Qui-Gon also had his moments from time to time and often than not it felt like he was in his own world. Thinking about his late master got him feeling a little bit melancholic.

"It is fine. We were starting to discuss the matter you mentioned and what platoons will be helping out for now. We can't stretch our troops too thin for the moment."

"Ah, right. The matter about Jaba's kid and us making scouting routes around a few planets to assess the situation with the vision that Grandmaster Yoda, Master Windu, and I had at the temple..." Jack remembered now. It really felt like he was out of place for a long while. So unreal.

"Was what just happened also something about the mission? Did you perhaps see something?" Obi-Wan asked now curiously.

"No, it was just something about those two." He pointed at the other Jedi duo. "But I'm sure it is far in the future since Ahsoka looked a lot older..."

Jack felt rather uncomfortable when talking about the future. Until now he never directly talked about his knowledge unless he had a sound reason to back up his bullshitting.

But even then he kept a low profile and only gave enough information that was necessary. What would happen if Anakin never turns for example?

He could say goodbye to the canon events and he would possibly create a place for a new evil. One that could become an even more monstrous being than Vader.

Yet he also felt like it would hit him the hardest if he really dared to do such a thing. And he knew where that feeling was coming from - the Force itself.

So he knew he was threatened by the Force to keep cool. He could have what he wanted and fool around but there were limits.

At least his own plans didn't feel like they were a No-No by the standards of the Force. It only felt like he could do it.

But there was also uncertainty in the answer he got from the Force.

By all means, talking to the Force was a rather straightforward thing. You asked and thought about something and it would either listen and react to your inquiry with triggering emotions in him or simply stay silent.

"Hmm, that is interesting. I don't suppose you could decipher what meaning the vision contained?"

"No, I don't think so." Jack apologized when he denied that question for example. 

It would tell too much about the Future of Anaking after all. So letting his mentor know about Ahsoka being well in her older years should be enough.

With this Obi-Wan should make a connection himself that Anakin seemed to have succeeded in training the young Padawan.

Which was spot on and actually brought a smile to his face.

"Now then. We have an ugly baby to rescue and some danger to stop. Anakin, let's stay in contact. If unexpected things happen, we should be able to assist each other." Now Obi-Wan approached the other two and explained how he would tackle the things.

At the end of it all they left this battlefield when Yoda sent reinforcements to secure the planet against the Confederation.

Each of them tackling their own little problem.