

When Jack was falling he could feel chunks of ice falling off behind him and hitting a few times. The whole place was still rumbling powerfully and falling apart even more by the second.

He did try to claw the wall that very close to him at the beginning but that was a very painful mistake he soon did not retry doing.

Because when he did that action his body already had such a high velocity that the abrupt decrease in speed tugged at his shoulder. And that very hard.

At first, his claws were also penetrating into the ice but it soon after dislocated his left arm and his fingers followed and felt like they shattered into a thousand small needles.

If that did not make things worse he received a hit to the head by a massive chunk of ice falling from above that completely knocked him out cold. He could even see it for a split second before the impact.

Darkness once again enveloped him.

He soon awoke by the muffled voice of Ahsoka. It was hard to discern her words but when his eyes slowly opened he got to see her face very close to his own and a smile was placed on it.

"Ahsoka?", he asked her out in surprise.

Instead of parting and increasing the distance from his face she actually came even closer.

'What is going on?', asked Jack himself with a sluggish mind. He felt exhausted and sleepy but at the same time, he also felt how Ahsoka came to kiss him.

He felt the soft lips of hers press on his own and that exact moment raised all his alarm bells. He now realized that this Ahsoka was not the childish kid he learned to know but was a much mature appearance of her.

Her kiss was passionate and sweet and it nearly even pulled Jack along into obeying her demand in letting her playful tongue entrance. But Jack knew from that very moment this can't be right. As much as this was enticing and alluring he knew better.

It was like his mental defense wall shut down and his mind cleared up somewhat. The figure of Ahsoka soon parted and looked down at him. The friendly expression she had, became cold. And her smile turned into a vicious toothy grin as her body slowly turned into pure darkness.

The shadow now started laughing. Its very voice was as vile and chilly as a banshees vail. Jack suddenly felt a hilt in the grasp of his hands and instinctively wanted to slash the creature with it.

But he stopped right before he hit the creature. He felt like he could not hurt it. Besides that, it still had the appearance of Ahsoka even if it turned mostly shadow.

That action stopped the shadows laugh and it looked back at him with curiosity. A small chuckle was heard and the female creature's eyes gazed upon the lightsaber to its left. It touched the blade nonchalantly.

*Soon~~~* Echoed a whisper into his ears and right after the female figure warped into a storm and engulfed him again - bringing him back to darkness.

A whole while later Jack came back to his senses and he could feel his body hurting massively.

When he tried to lean forward to stand up he could feel resistance that pushed him mostly back to the ground. That and a lot of pain brought him back to lying on his back.

Looking at what it was that was keeping him like that he looked to the source and could see another Ahsoka lying on his abdomen.

'Is this another dream?', he asked himself and slightly frowned.

[Nope, you are awake. Welcome back, Jack.]

'Ah...Terra...It's nice to hear your voice...'

[...What happened? Had a bad nightmare? Your fever was rather high but it shouldn't have been that much of a problem for your body.]

'Why are you always thinking something happened when I mention it is good to hear you? You know. I always know that I am still alive if your voice appears.' Jack even smiled lightly when he said that. It was actually the truth that was hard to miss.

[Maybe...But you should thank this girl later. She is the one that bandaged your wounds after finding you unconscious.]

'Ahsoka? I will...But the fall was actually real? I feel like I had some overdose from some hard drugs or something. My head hurts as if someone is playing drums in it. Even my own thoughts sound like damn echoes now.'

[The fall was real...But the time seems to have flown differently. Even space was disoriented there. I am surprised nothing worse happened.]

'Me too...' Jack sighed out loudly. That got a reaction from the girl that was sleeping on his body.

Ahsoka looked up and then to him. She immediately saw his opened eyes and jumped at him and started a tight hug.

"Ugh, Ahsoka...Please don't kill me now after I survived that!", said Jack with a pained expression.

Ahsoka let go of him. "Sorry, I forgot!" Then her expression from worry changed to one that was angry. "What exactly did you idiot do!? When I found you, you had so many wounds all over your arms and chest!"

Jack did not know how to explain it himself, so there was no way he could tell her what happened.

"Well, my crystal was a little bit further up and I kinda fell a few times? It was also hard to reach in a narrow crevice only large enough for my arms." Jack tried to come with a rather logical solution.

Ahsoka sighed out and then slapped his right leg.

"Fine, then stand up. We already have as little time as is." She then looked at her own little watch and saw her own confirmation.

"I would have if someone did not use me as a pillow?", remarked Jack back but that only got a glare in return from Ahsoka that let Jack's smile freeze 'Wow, she actually can be scare~'

"Alright, alright. I am up. How was it on your end? Did you get your own crystal?", he asked now and slowly stood up. He secretly injected himself with another bacta stim that helped him get back to top form.

Healing with the force alone would take a long while and he could feel how a few bones were fractured inside his body.

And that alone took a massive amount of force to break anything in his body. Sith Purebloods were pretty hardy. The more he was surprised he actually did survive the fall.

Thinking about it even more made him smile wryly for the fact that he nearly ended his own life like this. He should not take things so lightly just because he thinks it will always run smoothly. as it did until now.

"Yep, unlike you I am pretty good in climbing. Look!" She showed him her green-colored Ilum kyber crystal.

"Green? Looks like I was spot on?", smiled Jack.

Ahsoka snorted lightly after hearing his words. "Just a lucky guess. You know there are only green and blue colored crystals in this kyber mine."

"Oh really? Then what about these beaties?" Jack made a big toothy grin now and took out the two black kyber crystals that he stashed into his inventory. Of course, he did so as if they were in his pockets.

"Huh!?" Ahsoka was really surprised seeing them. "You got two?"

"Well, they were one previously. But now they broke into two. Probably because of the fall...But I can still feel them so they should work.", answered Jack.

'Come to think...Observe'

*Black Pontite Twin Force Imbued Crystal - ???, ???*

*Extremely rare and most powerful form of Adegan Crystals. It also resonates with a powerful chilly aura that cools skin and temperament. It is also a twinned crystal and when both are together the aura increases.*

'I guess those question marks are too much for my skill yet...But I guess it was to be expected that these two are rare. They are black after all for starters and the aura they possessed was so suffocating...Now it feels just cooling to the touch as if I was running my fingers through cold water.'

"Hmm, and once again you make the impossible. I wonder what master Yoda has to tell about this?", said Ahsoka and looked at his kyber.

Her look also went back shortly to her own palm-sized green kyber.

"What, are you now disappointed? Careful about that. The crystal can feel that and may get hurt by your disappointment in it. After all, it's going to be your partner from now on.", said Jack now after seeing her expression.

Ahsoka actually took his advice and stared at his crystal even more deeply. Then she smiled sheepishly. "Maybe if I cut him in half I can also wield two blades?"

"Ah." Jack exclaimed in a little surprised voice. "I am not sure that is such a good idea...Ask Master Yoda if that is possible to do first. Hurting your own crystal like that may backfire. I am not even sure if these two kyber really work. I am just guessing. And then again, my kyber may be pissed about me splitting it in two..."

Jack really had to think about that himself in a serious manner. It really could be the case since kyber crystals were imbued with the Force and could theoretically feel for themselves. These crystals did choose their owners and what would it feel like when one split you accidentally or even did so with a clear attempt to have that goal in mind?

Of course, Jack had twinned stones so his guess was that he lucked out. But in Ahsoka's case it would be different.

Come to think, how do the crystals really feel bout us? Ahsoka did leave the order in later years after all and never received her old weapon and crystals back.

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