

The Princess was initially taken aback from what she heard.

She tried to pinpoint the source of the voice but due to the lenght of the table and her distance from the speaker, she was not able to tell which girl said it.

Not finding a target to vent out her indignation, she looked towards the only man in front of her.

"Is this how you treat your guests? I cant believe such barbaric people actually have the capability to suppress the Empire."

Being a Princess of the Empire shielded her from such crude people, unfortunately since the the Empire is now gone, she will have to deal with this low lifes from now on.

She heard giggling from the other end of the table, and she was further angered when she noticed that the people there are not even paying attention to her anymore.

"How very rude!"

She slammed her hands on the table, clattering the plates and the table utensils placed there.

The giggling finally stopped.

"Oh please Adam, make sure to fuck her in the ass."

She definitely saw who it was who spoke this time.


Grunting and whimpering sounds can be heard throughout the Fortress.

Adam is currently speed fucking the Imperial princess's previously virgin pussy.

"Please! Please take my ass. Oh please, I beg you my lord."

The girl briefly escape the lip lock she was having with Eve to beg Adam to fuck her ass.

The twins are sucking each of her nipples hard, leaving bite marks on her creamy flesh. Their tongues dances all around her pretty globes then they meet in the middle of her valleys for a quick kiss.

Little Niome is trying to shove her cute tongue between Adam's powerful trusts to lick her clit, sometimes she would lick Adam's shaft as it withdraw wetly from the cunt.

Astoria is simply standing beside Adam gently stroking his back and trying to plant small kisses on his shoulders. Every once in a while he pays her a bit of attention and capture her lips for a lip lock of their own. She took hold of Adam's cock when it was almost all the way out and redirected it towards their new toy's puckered rosebud.

Adam felt its resistance. Using his earlier momentum, he shoved his now eleven inch dick all the way through her splincher.

The princess's scream can be heard throughout the city. She screamed and scream until the wee hours of the morning.

It was clear that her Imperial pussy and her lovely ass is thoroughly enjoyed by the time she lost consciousness for the night.


Adam fully integrated the Imperial princess to his harem after that night. 

The nano bots that was mixed on her drink when she was going though the security check was activated and made her fully complacent to Adam's will.

Its the first time that Adam did this to a person, completely reorganizing their thoughts and their mind to change the persons view of him a hundred and eighty degrees.

He removed all the negative things in her mind about Adam and his people and made it all positive instead.

The result is that she willingly gave herself to him.

As her reward, he signed a treaty with the Empire.

He promised to stop all hostility and provide help to allow the remnants of the Empire to rebuild.

In return he demands that all of the Empires people and worlds to submit completely to Adam's rule.


Beatriz was left behind and was fully integrated to Adam's world.

She was injected with all the Nano Technologies from I to III along with the Battle skin. Officially making her a part of the most elite immortals among Adam's people. Just like the girls and a few of Adam's Generals, she was also given the other skills like the strategist and marksman skills.

Although all of Adam's people are now immortal due to the Nano Tech II in their body. Only a few of them have been given level two and above of the Nano Tech I. This base Nano Tech skill is actually the one which determines how powerful an indivvidiual will become.

A regular person in Adam's society have a level one Nano Tech I and Nano tech II injection. This person is an immortal in every sense of the word. However his body strength and speed is only enhanced a hundred times.

To put this into perspective, a twelve year old kid with a level one Nano Tech can lift a one ton car with ease. The kid can also sprint a mile in just a minute. Normal person without the Nano tech would be hard pressed to run a mile under five minutes. Only hardcore athletes can even dream of running it in three minutes.

Each additional level gives the person a thousand times more power compared to the level below it.

Anyone who is serving in Adam's military automatically gets a level two Nano Tech making them far superior to a regular human. Officers and commanders are given the level three. Some special forces like the mutants that Jarred is leading have level three in their bodies too. Level four are given to some close family heads like Thorn and the Godfather.

Only Adam and the girls along with Jarred are the real monsters in his entire force. They have enough strength in their fist to single handedly demolish a Dreadnaught and not make a sweat.


The Queen agreed to Adam's terms.

There was a grand ceremony in Prontera to comemorate the signing of the treaty.

After a week of celebration, the huge battleship Emperatriz entered a wormhole to leave Adam's dimension.


Beatriz stood regally in front of the camera. Queen Juliet and Adam can be seen behind her as she gave a speech to her people.

"To the people of the Empire, we should rejoice this faithful day. Through perseverance and the true quest for peace, my mother, The Queen have forged a bridge between two great Empires. With  the kind heart of Lord Adam, he agreed to cease all hostility and help rebuild our once majestic Empire. He gave us his assurance that none of our remaining people will suffer and none shall remain in hiding."

"We can finally bring this dark era behind us and with the help of the mighty Lord Adam we will rise from the ashes and become worthy of his rule."

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