
The Father and Cure?

Alright so let's see normally I would be heading to school but today... That's right I fell down off my bike on my way to school. Maybe it was a dream cause my head still hurts from hitting the ground. I went to the nurse's office when I got to school. This time maybe I should just try and go home.

I walked home with my bike in tow since I don't think riding with my head hurt would be a bright idea. I got to the front gate of my house, and yes I know the irony of being a rich kid in a story. But I am really not that rich my house just has a massive gate and yard from the government for my dad's work.

Oh ya, my name I guess I should tell you that. I am Josh Valdor... call me Vader and I will kick you. Hindsight can I kick something that's a figment of my imagination. Hey, I am imagining kicking you does it work?

Anyways ya, my dad works as a government lab monkey on different illnesses. Sadly he falls ill along with the other 10% of people. No this isn't a sad story, actually its a bit of relief cause my dad always gets on me for my grades. See he wants me to be good at math and science you know the drill. Of course, I am not stupid actually I have a photographic memory that. So its really easy to pass my classes. It's just that there is a lot of work to do all that stuff. You get it you are my imaginary buddy.

I tossed my bike to the side as I turn and close the large metal gate and push the bar lock back in place. I know it won't do much against normal people but hey a zombie apocalypse is right around the corner and that helps a lot.

I walked along the stone path towards the door seeing the lights in my dad's office were on. I guess I gotta explain why I am home instead of in school. I open the front door to hear sneezing and coughing from my dad's office. I slowly reach for the doorknob when the door flew open. There stood my dad who was 5'10" he may not be very large but his glare froze me solid. His nose was running and his eyes bloodshot. Was he already infected did the flu already hit the town?

"What are you...achoo... doing home?" dad asked before stepping towards me grabbing my wrist. I could feel his skin was like ice making me shiver to the bone. He dragged me towards the basement where he kept the lab making me a bit nervous.

I know he's my dad but in a few days, that won't matter. he will be a flesh craving bag of rotting flesh who will stop at nothing to eat me. He stopped at the door of his lab pressing his hand against the panel before the door unlatched. He never let me into his lab since he was working on quote top secret stuff.

"son...stop daydreaming," he said before pulling me into the lab walking towards a cabinet. He opened the doors to it exposing a rack of guns and ammo. He pushed the left side open more exposing a larger display of weapons. "I made a mistake... I thought they would use it for a weapon against our enemies. Not as a tool to cull the human population to help lower our consumption rate." said dad.

I had never seen dad so....depressed, for a man who always is arrogant. This was something I had not expected to ever see. He picked up a pistol loading the clip before turning towards me. My dad knows how to load a gun shit that took me at least 3 days to do without pinching myself.

"Son... I am going to die and people may come for my lab... they will want what is down here and... I am not going to give them that satisfaction. Listen... to me closely. I have a cure for all of this but I buried it with your mother in Texas. Since your the only one who knows this matter its up to you to go fetch it. Remember your mother and I loved you very much." he said before coughing up a fit.

I was about to say something when the familiar sound of a gun popping off rang into my ears. The gun fired off into the side of my dad's head splattering his brains across the wall. The shock of watching my father kill himself threw me for a loop. I remember in my other life dad was locked in his room when I came home. He never shot himself like this much less in front of me. I stood there a moment before quickly grabbing a bag off the wall. I grabbed as many guns would fit in the bag before loading another bag full of bullets. My dad may have never taught me but I must have been brought back so I had a better chance. Guns and bullets will soon become a deciding factor of survival.

I quickly ran upstairs to my dad's hummer and loaded the back with guns ammo and supplies my dad had stockpiled before closing the door to his lab. I may need to come back here one day but for right now I had more important matters. One of those matters being that I needed to order a lot of supplies. I sat at my dad's desk logging onto the internet before pausing a moment. after 3 months not only did the internet go down but most of society was gone with it. Being able to look at a website felt like a blessing.

I quickly ordered the local food stores to home deliver food water and other supplies using my dad's bank card. I had to use multiple stores so it didn't seem to weird but over the next week I am going to be preparing for the trouble to come. I may not be important person in the future. But I am not going to be someone whose licking someone's boot for food. I won't do that again... rubber does not taste good.

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