
Deep Sea Demons

While dashing through the mountain, Calista could sense something observing her, like thousands of eyes on her, making a chill run up her spine but making her bloodthirsty smile more evident.

Finally, she arrived at an open space with a river in the middle, where she many humans and demons corpses in the floor, making a hellish vision.

'...hmmm... Just like the canon, the Deep Sea Demons are preserving both humans and demons alike in hopes of studying them better huh...' Calista pondered while walking through the corpses.

"I know you are there; insect, you can make yourself invisible but you can't escape from his eyes. Kneel, beg for your life and we will kill you painless, inferior being."

an extremely cold, dark and hellish voice sounded in the space, making it sound like it's coming from everywhere and anywhere.

Soon after a few moments, an extremely big skeleton which was completely hollow inside emerged in the water of the river but strangely the water was somehow held outside the bones by an invisible barrier.

After the big skeleton was fully lifted up, some strange red fish started to swim toward the skeleton forming a strange red skin in the big skeleton, making a big red skeleton without eyes but strangely to Calista, it was like he was watching her and smirking.

Looking around, she saw that there was a monster with thousands of eyes on the ceiling looking at her, making her frown.

'... So this shit thing can see me even if i'm inside the Planeswalking... what a pain in the ass.' Calista thought with a frown but the bloodthirsty smile didn't disappear even after all this time.

"Hmmm... So we, humans, are inferior beings?" Calista said with a maniacal smile.

The big red skeleton didn't respond; it punched towards Calista so strong and fast that the stones and the water in the space made a suction effect.


Seeing the incoming punch, Calista just smirked.

"Let's test my strength, shall we?" Calista said while punching in the direction of the incoming punch.

It was a strange scene, where everyone would confirm that the big red fist would crush the small child fist... but when the two fists touched each other, it changed everything.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The extremely cold and hellish voice sounded again, but with pain mixed in it.


The big skeleton didn't stop for long, with the other arm, started to punch Calista; destroying everything in the way, including exploding his thousand-eyes monster ally.

"Do you feel it?... Can you feel it?... it's called PAIN." Calista voice sounded in the space, dodging the incoming the punches like a ghost.

Seeing more big red skeletons emerge from the river, Calista stopped dodging.

"DIE!!!!!!!!" The voice sounded again.

Catching the punch with one hand, making a huge crater under her, Calista said, "Did you know... this cave has so much uranium... Let me demonstrate to you, one of the most powerful weapons created by the inferior beings!! THE ATOMIC BOMB!!" while cutting in half an atom with an extremely small knife of black flames on the ground.

That day, the world saw God's wrath... the sky blackened... the ground shook... the mountain vanished...

Hello there, i tried making a good fight... well, thanks for reading.

StrangeGodcreators' thoughts
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