

Magna and Weiss stayed in the room together as they talked for hours. Weiss needed someone to talk and vent to and Magna didn't mind being that person. In return, Magna also vented to her about the attack on Signal.

The pair had no idea how much time passed when Winter walked in with a small smile.

"Weiss, Magna. We'll be arriving at Atlas in 10 minutes."

She didn't even wait for their response as she grabbed Magna by his hand and started dragging him to the observation deck.

He was about to complain again when all the words got stuck in his mouth as he stared at the sight before him.

A giant city of white built on a floating island that was tethered to the ground with what seemed to be a huge series of wires.

The setting sun reflected off the city as Magna couldn't help but mutter, "What a beautiful city…"

Winter and Weiss seemed to stick their non-existent chests out in pride when they heard him.

"Of course it's beautiful, you dolt. Atlas not only has the most advanced technology in the world but it's also home to the most successful dust company in the world, the Schnee dust company!"

Magna stared at Weiss for a couple seconds, making her blush softly as she muttered, "W-what?"

A cheeky grin slowly appeared on his face as he said, "Way to toot your own horn, Weiss."

Weiss's face instantly twisted into a pout as she turned away from him and said, "Hmph!"

Winter shook her head with a light smile as she flicked both Magna and Weiss, saying, "That's enough you two. Once we land, we need to hurry to the house. Mother has been looking forward to meeting Magna."

Hearing Winter's words, Magna turned pale as he turned towards Winter and yelled, "What!?!"

Giving Magna an odd stare, Winter asked, "What? You didn't think you'd be staying at some hotel while your here, did you?"

He rapidly nodded at her as he said, "Yes! That's exactly what I thought! I didn't know I was going to be staying at your house!?!"

Suddenly, the air began to feel heavy as Winter glared at Magna and coldly said, "Did you forget that your only an 8 year old child? There is no way in remnant that I would allow my friend to stay on his own in some random hotel! Especially since you just went through a traumatic experience! You'll be staying with me and my family and that's final!"

Stunned, Magna could only nod as he felt warm in his chest. He hugged both Winter and Weiss in a gentle embrace as he smiled and quietly muttered, "Thank you."

The Schnee sisters said nothing as they both happily smiled and hugged him back.


Standing outside of a huge estate, Magna was finally having second thoughts. Their family had a huge metal gate that surrounded just the grounds of their families estate. The house was further into the estate and would take them at least 5 minutes to reach on foot.

This just elevated Magna's thoughts on the term 'filthy rich'.

Winter sighed when she saw the unnecessarily large estate as she pressed a button on the side of the gate and said, "Winter and Weiss Schnee have returned. We have a guest with us as well so please prepare an extra bedroom for him to sleep in."

There seemed to be some noise coming from the intercom but Magna was too stunned to listen. Suddenly, the over-sized gate slowly opened as a black limousine slowly came towards them.

When the limo parked infront of them, a slightly overweight man with balding brown hair and a large mustache wearing what seemed to be a butlers uniform walked out.

He gave a small bow to Winter, who just smiled as she happily said, "Klein, it's good to see you."

Klein smiled and said, "It's good to see you too, Miss Schnee."

"Klein, please. We're amongst friends, just call me Winter."

He nodded, "As you wish, Winter."

Klein then turned towards Weiss as he happily smiled, "How's my happy little snowflake?"

Weiss seemed to be barely able to contain her happiness as she jumped at him, hugging him tightly while saying, "Klein!"

This surprised Magna. Seeing the little heiress finally act her age, Magna couldn't help but smile as he had a good impression of Klein.

When Klein finished hugging Weiss, he wiggled his mustache at her, receiving a giggle from all three of them before he turned towards Magna.

Magna stiffened as he didn't know how Klein was going to act towards him yet Klein just bowed his head slightly as he smiled, "You must be Magna Opus. Greetings, my name Is Klein Sieben, butler to the Schnee family."

Suddenly, his eyes turned red as he roughly said, "But really, I'm just their babysitter. I still remember when Winter was Weiss's age, she-"

Before he could finish, Winter's face was bright red as she covered Klein's mouth with her hand as she screamed, "Klein! Don't you dare bring up the past!"

His eyes changed again, becoming a bright yellow as he smiled and said, "But Winter, these stories deserve to be shared! Especially with the boy you-"

Somehow, Winter's face became even redder as she begged, "Klein, please don't talk about that! Let's just go home! Mother is still waiting to meet Magna."

Klein's eyes returned to their original brown as he straightened himself up and said, "Alrighty. Please hop into the limo and we'll be home shortly."

As Magna hopped into the limousine, he couldn't help but smile as he gave Weiss a thumbs up and whispered into her ear, "I really like your butler, Weiss. He's awesome."

Weiss giggled as she returned Magna a thumbs up and whispered, "I know, right? He's the only person I know that can almost always embarrass Winter. Not even father can do that."

As they drove through the estate, Magna couldn't help but be entranced by the view. Large trees covered in ice and snow, a large lake that seemed unaffected by the cold and twisting pathways that lead all over the place. This place was beautiful.

After a couple minutes, the limo came to a stop outside a huge mansion. Klein opened the door to the car, allowing Magna and the sisters to exit as Klein bowed and said, "Welcome to the Schnee family Mansion."

Siguiente capítulo