
Youth Unleashed: Might Guy

After a few days since Android D was destroyed. Everyone took some time to relax while Guy and his family stayed at capsule Corp until the new house was ready.

You can see Guy in the front yard struggling to do handstand pushups. The sweat was evident as his arms shook as he went down and went back up. Guy was muttering to himself "4,997... 4,998.... 4,999...5,000!"

Guy fell to the ground taking deep breaths as he could barely feel his arms. After a minute of rest, he started doing bodyweight squats. While he was doing this you could see on his gravity watch it said {660}

Guy was training at 660 times earth's gravity to better prepare himself for the future. He grunted as he could feel his legs slowly give out but he still pushed on through the pain. He continued to train until pure exhaustion kicked in and he fell unable to get up.

Guy was covered in sweat as he stared up at the peaceful cloudy sky. While he was recovering he sensed 2 very familiar energies fly closer to where he is. Guy stayed there still recovering until he heard them land around him. He heard the sound of his concerned nephew/student "Uncle Guy are you ok?"

Guy forced his head up to see a concerned Gohan and a smiling Goku. He gave Gohan a thumbs up while still resting. Guy reached into his pocket and pooped in a senzu bean. After a few seconds of chewing Guy got refreshed and jumped up.

Guy gave them both a smile and said "I'm fine now and how can I help you both today?"

Goku stepped forward with a big smile and said "It's been a few days Guy so I figured we can fight like you said we could"

Guy thought back to when he said that to Goku and nodded. He looked at Goku and said with a grin "Sure Goku, But let's go somewhere deserted. I don't want to destroy this city"

Goku nodded before they both flew away. Guy turned to Gohan and said, "Hey Gohan do you mind watching Lee while we're gone?"

Gohan nodded while saying "Sure no problem!"

Gohan went inside while Guy and Goku flew off to a deserted location. They both landed and started stretching. Guy looked at his watch and thought 'Fighting Goku while under 660 times gravity should be great training '

Goku looked at Guy with a serious look while stretching 'Guy is one of the strongest fighters I know, This fight should help me get stronger and see where I stand against him'

They both got into their fighting stance. Goku is in his casual turtle hermit stance while Guy is in his usual stance with his one arm out. His hand curved the back of his hand facing Goku while the palm is facing the sky. They both waited for the other to move until Goku dashed forward and threw a powerful punch forward.

Guy met him head on and they clashed. They both kept pushing until Goku got pushed back. His feet slid into the ground and came back faster than before he yelled out "HAAAA"

Goku threw a barrage of punches Guy blocked and countered with some difficulty. Guy was impressed with Goku s strength and was slightly struggling to keep up with his onslaught of blows. After this went on for many clashes. They both backed away not out of breath as Goku said with a battle-ready grin "That was a good warm-up but now let's get serious Guy! HAAAA"

Goku's black spiky hair raised to the sky even higher than it usually is. His black eyes turned a light green as his hair turned golden. He was enveloped in a golden aura as his power level skyrocketed 50 times. Goku gave Guy a grin and said "Come on Guy show me your 8 inner gates transformation"

Guy powered up his Ki to his Max in his base form and said with his own smirk "To be honest Goku I don't think I need to yet"

This angered Goku being underestimated but he said "Fine! HAAAA"

Goku covered in his golden aura appeared in front of Guy and punched him. Guy barely blocked it with a cross guard but it sent him flying back. Goku wasn't done as his aura spiked as he flew after Guy throwing an onslaught of blows. First time in a long time Guy was getting injured. But Guy couldn't be happier as he thought to himself 'Ah this is a real fight... I was too reliant on my gates for spars but this...THIS IS THE EPITOME OF YOUTH!!!'

Guy from all the pressure of Goku as a Super Saiyan felt like in this tough battle he can try and draw out more of his hidden potential. Over these past 3 years, Guy noticed another perk of his youth cells that Batman god told him about. The stronger he became the more untapped potential he seemed to discover.

Over the years Guy learned many things like how the Saiyan improved during battle. The tougher the battle the more they improve. Guy knew this logic that during life and death battles some individuals unleash more of their potential. This is what Guy was trying to do

"AH" Guy groaned as he got punched in the face and sent flying back tumbling to the ground. He got up and looked at the smirking Goku who said "Come on Guy, Is this your power of youth you kept proclaiming? I want to see your TRUE POWER GUY! STOP HOLDING BACK!!"

Goku roared near the end as he flew with even more determination to Guy. Goku continued to throw an onslaught of blows that all landed on Guy's body. He felt the pain and abuse from every blow. But each hit, Each attack drove him closer and closer to the edge. Guy felt like he was getting closer. It was only when Goku was about to throw his final hit that Guy roared out with youthful passion.

A massive arc of golden energy flowed out of Guy. Goku stopped to admire the drastic boost in power emitted. Goku had a huge smile on his face as he stared at the massive arc of energy and yelled out "It's about time Guy! Now let's get this fight started!!"

Goku flew to Guy as he winded up his arm and threw a powerful left hook to Guy's side. Guy jumped up barely avoiding the blow to only spin a 360 in the air and landed a leaf hurricane on Goku's arm sending him sliding back.

Goku felt his arm tingle a bit through the force and asked Guy "Tell me Guy which gate are you at right now?"

Guy was looking down at his hand squeezing it as he can feel a lot more power flowing through him than before he said with a calm tone "I did not use any of the gates Goku. This is my base form Goku. You just helped me unlock more of my... potential."

Goku was shocked because in the past Guy needed to open the gates to take him on as a super Saiyan. Yet here he is now stronger in his base form compared to Goku's Super Saiyan.

Goku gained a serious look and asked "Guy do you have any extra senzu beans on you?"

Guy nodded and Goku gave a grin and said "Perfect! Because with what I'm about to do I'll probably need one if this doesn't work out HAAAAAAAAA"

Goku's golden aura soared even higher as his power level continued to rise. While powering up Goku yelled out "GUY! YOU TOLD ME THAT THE POWER OF YOUTH IS WITHIN US ALL! SO COME ON OPEN YOUR INNER GATES AND SHOW ME WHAT THE POWER OF YOUTH IS!"

Goku knew this was underhanded but he wanted to see Guy's full power. The higher Guy goes the stronger Goku can become.

Guy nodded and said "Yes Goku your right... I wasn't using the gates for my benefit but to thank you for helping me I'LL SHOW YOU MY FULL POWER!!!"

Guy's already massive golden arc of energy condensed to a bright 10 feet tall aura as he put his arms together in an X cross. He roared out "EIGHT INNER GATES!!! SIXTH GATE OF JOY! OPEN!!!!"

Guy's skin turned bright red as his golden aura had a green tint to it. His power soared so much that even Goku was affected by the pure power emitting from Guy. This didn't scare Goku but motivated him further as he roared in pain. Guy watched as Goku continued to power up and suddenly his aura disappeared.

Guy stared intensely at Goku who slouched over before standing up and saying with a serious look "NOW I'LL SHOW YOU THE KAIOKEN!"

A Large golden aura surrounded Goku's body as a red aura was added to the golden aura Goku produced. You know something is about to go down when an aura gets another aura on top of it.

Goku felt a lot of stress on his body combining super Saiyan with KAIOKEN but he continued to push himself as he roared out "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

The golden and red aura contained flare as his power soared to new heights. Goku roared out completely beet red with veins all over his body showing "TIMES TEN!!!!!! KAIOKEN TIMES TEN!!!!"

He roared while his voice cracked near the end due to the pain. "HAAAA"

Goku flew to Guy at such speeds that he would have been a blur. But Guy saw this coming in and met him head-on. They collided as their golden green and golden red aura clashed. This powered-up fight only lasted a few seconds but within that time they exchanged 100s of blows. Goku feeling the end was near poured all of his energy into a final energy Kamehameha.

He launched the massive blue beam at Guy who powered up and tanked it. After the attack ended Goku was panting as his red aura disappeared and his golden hair went back to black. He fell to the ground feeling his body twitch and his muscle control. Goku was seething in pain knowing this was the consequence of combining a straining technique like super Saiyan with the KAIOKEN technique.

While this happened Guy walked out of the dust with over half of his clothes burned away from the blast. He had a few bruises on his body but overall he appeared fine.

Guy squatted next to Goku and put a senzu bean into his mouth. Goku chewed and felt much better and slowly got up but fell back over because of the backlash of the Kaioken.

Guy watched with amusement and said "That was impressive Goku. What was that technique you used with super Saiyan?"

Goku was still on the ground dealing with the backlash of the Kaioken and said "That was the Kaioken... I learned it from king Kai"

Guy nodded and looked at Goku with a serious look on his face 'From the way his energy spiked the technique appears to be an energy multiplier. But like my inner gates, it puts a lot of stress on the body... Impressive yet risky if you combine it with something else.'

Guy sat down next to Goku and they just talked. Goku was impressed yet again by Guy's power and had to ask "Tell me, Guy... How did you get so strong when I was attacking you as a Super Saiyan? What was with that boost in power?"

Guy looked up to the sky and said "I just unlocked more of my potential thanks to you. So thanks Goku"

They sat in silence and Guy asked with a curious tone "Hey Goku"

"Yeah Guy?" Goku asked while slowly getting up feeling the effects of the Kaioken wearing off.

Guy looked at Goku and said, "Can you teach me how to use the Kaioken?"

Enjoy the chap

HuskyWarriorcreators' thoughts
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