
Chapter Eight

"Are you free this Friday after school?"

"Yeah, why?"

"There's this movie that is being screened at the theatre called Social Desire, would you like to see it with me?"


"D-Did you not hear me?"





"You are aware that you have a girlfriend right?"


"Yes I know, but that does not mean that we can't hang out as friends."

"True but with how shitty society is, rumours will spread."

"Please think about it, I really want to go see Social Desire with you."

"Goodnight Chris."

He switched the phone. Sitting on his bed naked with a towel wrapped around him, he felt conflicted.

Holding his hand up to his heart he felt it pound against his rib cage. His eyes darted from left to right as he tried to make sense of what he just experienced.

Callum balled his fists and hit it against the bed. Standing up with full force he stomped his foot and the towel dropped to the ground. Scrunching his face he quickly picked it up and covered himself. Looking ahead to the window making sure the curtains were closed in case there were perverts walking around in the street.

Getting dressed he couldn't help but think of the phone call he just had. As an author, he wasn't dumb. Chris and he did not have a conversation in all these years being at school together.

Calum knew that he was best friends with the guy he had a crush on and that he was on the football team along with Dillon. From what he has heard from Chelsea is that Chris and his girlfriend should be together now for almost year years - so why did he ask him out instead of his girlfriend?

Romance stories weren't his forte but he did read a few to get familiar with the genre and he definitely took notes from Chelsea but he was not going to take this chance and ruin Chris and his girlfriends' relationship then walk around with the title slut written on his forehead.

Shaking his head from all these silly thoughts he said in his heart, "The one I like is Ashton not him, I don't even know Chris!"

Seating down by his desk he pulled his laptop to his side and switched it on. Opening the web browser he logged into the site and uploaded seven chapters of Tales of Lore and Lies. On the seventh chapter, he left an author's note stating, "I will be studying for the test series so I won't be as active as I am currently. There are 7 chapters today and there will 7 be tomorrow to make up for the days that I am gone. I do hope you all continue your support and please do leave comments, when the test series is over I will answer all comments (*´∇`*) Love you all."


Opening discord he saw five notifications from Chris.

"Upload a chapter!"

"Why are you taking so long with the chapters?"

"Why are you hiding? Is it because I told you that I like you?"

"Don't you like me?"

"Why are you breaking my fragile heart?"


Sighing he thought, "Is it just me or do I seem really popular?"

Strider, "Look, I'm not ignoring you, I attend school and don't really have time for social media. I also started writing the prequel and a new book so my time will be cut very short for social media."

Chris, "Then let's meet so I can help you and take you out then spoil you rotten ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡"

Strider, (¬_¬)

Chris, "How was your day?"

Strider, "A roller coaster but alright."

Chris, "What happened?"

Strider, "My friends' bf fucked up again and I had to comfort her not to mention that I ended up berating him twice, then I got a lift from my crush and his friends... now I am questioning why I started liking him."

Chris, "Why did you start liking him?"

Strider, "Because he paid my bill at Starbucks last year."

Chris, "That's it!?!?!?"

Strider, "Excuse me?"

Chris, "You've had a crush on him this whole time because he was being chivalrous?"

Strider, "Well it's that and I like his smile."

Chris, "So I don't have a chance with you because of a smile and chivalry. My mother taught me manners so I can also be chivalrous when I want to be but I'm not because I'm surrounded by bitchy woman that makes my courteous behaviour run away!"

Strider, "Hahahahahahaha."

Chris, (◞‸◟)

Strider, "And now?"

Chris, "I wish I could hear you laugh."

Strider, "Poor you."

Chris, "I know! What else happened today?"

Strider, "Well..."

Chris, "Well?"

Strider, "My crush's best friend asked me out."

Chris, "Why are these guys trying to get with my man?

Strider, "I have no clue (´・_・`)"

Chris, "So?"

Strider, "So what?"

Chris, "Did you accept?"

Strider, "Fuck no!"

Chris, "Rude -_-"

Strider, "Sorry."

Chris, "Why didn't you accept?"

Strider, "Because I have you."

Chris, "Really?"

Strider, "No!"

Chris, ╥﹏╥

Strider, "He has a girlfriend."

Chris, "Ah... that is... well then you must be beautiful."

Strider, "I know."

Chris, "I love your confidence... Can I get a pic?"

Strider, "No!"

Chris, ToT

Chris, "So if he didn't have a girlfriend, would you have accepted?"

Strider, "It was to go out as friends so yeah I would have but I don't want to be labelled as someone who ruined a relationship and most probably a cum catcher..."

Strider, "And in all honesty, I want to be partners with someone who will be my first and my last."

Chris, "How picky but I understand..."

Strider, "You do?"

Chris, "Yeah."

Strider, "That's good."

Chris, @・ꈊ・@

Strider, "How was your day?"

Chris, "Shit."

Strider, "How so?"

Chris, "You rejected me again."

Strider, "Well that is a given."

Chris, "Yeah, love is not on my side."

Strider, "You will find someone eventually."

Chris, "Soon, hopefully."

Strider, "Aye sir... time to sleep."

Chris, "Sweet dreams."

Strider, ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡


The next morning. On the phone with Chelsea.

Chelsea, "My love, I won't be going to school today."


Chelsea, "Dentist appointment."

"And you are only informing me of this now?"

Chelsea, "I know, I'm so sowwie. Please forgive this insolent commoner, my queen, besides this is perfect timing. I won't have to see Dillon."

"Mn, but now I will be alone."

Chelsea, "That is true, I wonder why it's just the two of us."

"Because I liked you more?"

Chelsea, "I love you tooo~"

"Useless human."

Chelsea, "Love you."

"Bye bye."


Sighing he placed the desk and walked out of her room. Sitting at the table and eating the breakfast his mother prepared he said nervously, "Mama, one of the boys who dropped me off yesterday phoned me last night and asked me to see a movie with him this Friday."

The fork in his mother's hand paused, she looked at her son with a frown, "Which one?"

"The one sitting in the passager seat."

"Oh, the handsome one?"

"His handsome?"


Thinking back to yesterday, he couldn't really remember Chris's face, tilting his head he bit on his bottom lip and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Mama, he has a girlfriend."

Shaking her head, Ms Stride looked at her son and said, "You are only in high school with a bright future, it's okay for you to experience things but do not make the same mistakes as me and be with someone who won't marry you. I love you children and I would do anything for you. Although I don't regret having the two of you, I regret meeting and having sex with you and your brother's fathers."

Biting down on the carrot he said "I know," in a soft voice.


Walking down the road to school he thought of what his mother said. Even if mother bear didn't mention it, he was dead set on having a relationship that was not toxic. It would be okay if they would argue but cheating, not trusting one another, that was out of the question.

He learnt from the people around him and hoped that one day he would be forever with the one who has all his firsts. Straight forward, no bullshit.


A honking sound came from behind him pulling him out of his thoughts. It continued making a noise irritating the hell out of Callum. He turned around and as he was about to swear the words got stuck in his throat.

A royal blue Audi A8 pulled up beside him. The windows were tinted so he couldn't see who it was. The windows rolled down and it was Chris.

He looked at Callum and smiled, "Do you want a ride?" he asked. Sighing he said, "Sure." He unlocked the door and opened it for Callum to get in.

Climbing in and closing the door, he put on the seat belt and looked at him. "Good morning," he said. "Morning," he greeted back. Driving off Chris said, "You look beautiful today."

Looking down at the clothes he was wearing, he had on black vans, grey jeans, a black tank top on underneath the grey hoodie with his hair in a messy bun. Callum turned his head to look at Chris. He had on the schools' jacket, blue jean and white Adidas and a black top underneath the jack.

He noticed that he had a light brown birthmark under his ear on his neck. "Thank you," is all he said. Chris looked at Callum and smiled again, "What are you thinking about, you took long to answer."

Shuddering slightly, their eyes met for a second before Chris turned to look at the road. "Green eyes," Callum said in his heart. "I always take long before answering."

Chris, "Why?"

"I evaluate everything before speaking."

Chris sighed "You don't need to be on guard when you are around me."



A short while later they arrived at school. Parking the car he looked at Callum and asked, "Do you need a lift home after school?"

"Nope, I'm heading over to Chelsea's place then I'll go home."

Chris, "Want me to take you to her place, I heard she stays on the other side of town, how will you get there?"


Chris, "Alright, I'll wait for you and take you."

Callum paused while unbuckling the seat belt and stared at Chris. Their eyes met and Chris's heart started beating fast. His gaze lowered and slowly traced Callum's lips. He wanted to kiss him. Swallowing hard he forced himself to look away, opening the car door and getting out. Callum did the same swinging his backpack over his shoulders and closed the door.

Chris was looking at Callum over the car and said, "I'll wait here for you, if you finish before me, wait for me."

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