
A Tango with Titan

As Luna said, the school wasn't too far from the station. There were still some latecomers funneling through the school gates, so he guessed he wasn't that late after all.

Now that he was actually at school, he should probably head to the office and get everything sorted out. That is, if he actually knew where the office was. Guess he had no choice but to ask someone, but who? Considering he was pretty late, it'd be weird if someone was still hanging around and not in class. Well, guess he'd just have to try and find it himself.

He was about to start searching before someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to find a girl with short, shoulder-length chocolate hair staring back at him. She was wearing the normal Resonance High School uniform with a navy blue blazer that matched the accompanying skirt. A small badge with the words 'student council' engraved on it clung to her blazer. She was looking down at her feet, fidgeting as she did so.

"Um, excuse me," she muttered hesitantly, "Why are you not in class?"

Felix scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Uh… I'm new here," Felix mumbled, "And I'm trying to work out where the office is."

"You're new here…?"

She lifted her head to look up at him. She held her hand to her chin, as if she was pondering deeply about something.

"Um.. are you Felix Ha? The new transfer student?"

Felix nodded.

"In that case, just follow me. I'll take you there."

The girl set off, with Felix following patiently behind her.

"So," Felix said, "You're on the student council right?"

The girl turned to him and nodded.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm the student council president."

"So what's the student council president doing out of class?"

"Running errands."

"What kind of errands?"

"Organising events, planning school assemblies… and catching latecomers like you."

"What do you think of the school?"

There was a silence as she attempted to answer his question.

"Well," she started, "I have to say that I love it very much, but everything changes. So someday, my love for this school will change as well."

She turned her head slightly to the side to look at Felix.

"You know, it's pretty rare for someone to move here so late," she said perplexed, "What's with the sudden move?"

"My parents are here for business reasons, so I had to come with."

"Oh, ok."

Finally, the two of them arrived at what seemed to be the office. In front of them stood a menacing, brown-brick building with two clear, glass doors serving as its entrance. There was a bulletin board which just beside the entrance plastered with random notices and announcements. The rain did nothing more but make it look even more dreary than it already was.

"Alright," she said, "This is it."

She turned to leave before stopping halfway.

"Oh yeah," she said cheerfully, "I forgot to tell you my name."

She stuck her hand, offering to shake hands. Felix returned the favour, grasping her hand softly.

"The name's Olivia, Olivia Ngo. You can ask me for help if ever you're in trouble or anything like that."

And with that, Olivia walked off to do whatever she was doing outside of class, once again leaving Felix to his own devices.

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