
Time to plan

"Do you have the papers ?" Black asked his lawyer.

"Yes, these here are for your neice to sign over her part of the custody to you." He handed the paper work over so Black could read them.

"These here are for Mr Poe to sign to get his child back. It states you want 60% of his company and the two girls he has in exchange for his Son. How ever in the fine print it says he gives you his right to the child too."

"This is good."Black looked over the second set of documents.

What were Alex and Jack hearing Black wanted everthing, even the girls. Alex was glad they set this up. He called his lawyer and told him about what they had seen and heard. The lawyer told them not to worry he had this. At five till they got back in there car and drove up to the valet. The body guards also followed them in carrying the bag of money. They were shown into the room where Lilly, Black, and the lawyer sat. Alex walked in acting cold and emotionless. He looked at Lilly and Black. "Not surprised to find evil with evil. Let me see the paper work please"

Lilly smiled at him," Do you have the money?"

"Yes, show her but don't let her touch yet." Alex said.

Jack opened the case and showed Lilly the money. Her eyes lite up like christmas at the site of all that money.

The lawyer handed the first set of papers to Alex and he passed them to his Lawyer. His lawyer read them. "Mr Poe these paper says that She gave Mr Black all her custody of the boy so she can make no deal for the boy."

"Is that so then please take the case back to the bank Jack" Alex said.

"No wait that's my money you can't do that, Uncle what is going on? I thought you were going to switch documents on him after he gave me the money this is not right." Lilly was yelling at her Uncle and Lawyer why were they double crossing her.

"My dear, I already gave you money for the boy. There is no need for that now sit down and shut up." Black was calm and firm with her and she sat down pouting.

"As you see Poe, the boy now belongs to me. You want him you play ball with me now."

"You really think that the courts will let him be with you. The most you could get is visits and that is doughtful but just out of curiosity what do you want?"Alex already knew what was in the documents but wanted to hear what he said.

The lawyer brought out the Second set of papers and handed them over. Alex gave them to his lawyer.

"As you can see we give you the boy for 60% of your company shares and two girls you have tho technically one allready belongs to me." Back sat back. He was surprised that Alex did not make of movment at what he said.

After the Lawyer read through the papers he said to Alex, "Mr Poe it does state that you will be given custody of the child in exchange for 60% of the company and apointing Mr Black as CEO. You will also give up Miss walker and Miss Reed. Then in the fine print down here after only have custody for 24 hours you will give 100% of your son to him."

Black's Lawyer was surprised most people did not read the fine print. They have gotten the advantage in many deals do to fine print.

"Can't blame a guy for trying. " Black said.

"The answer is N..O...no. I will take my chances in court. No one would give you my son and people are not property. What do you want with them anyway?"Alex asked.

Black still sitting back says," Miss Reed's father owes me money and she was going to pay me with her body. She ran out before she could do that. Miss Walker I would treat really well as long as she warmed my bed. Does that answer your questions."

Alex felt rage inside but did not show any emotion on his face. No one was touching Beth. "You say that like you have a right to anyone you want. What gives you the right to treat women this way. Slavery and prostitution is against the law."

"Only if you get caught. Women are only good for one thing so why not use them for that." Black grinned from ear to ear. His father taught him the lesson on women. He watched his mother treatment the broken usless woman and sister who was to be used to bring together two forces but she betrayed them. His father used many women and sometimes made his mother and himself watch. His father watched him when he first started out with women to teach him how to get full release. He was proud of how he treated them.

This made Alex even mader. He had proof now, all of this was being recorded. He was just glade Jack had left with two bodyguards to the bank. He sat there for a few minutes waiting. "Lilly how does it feel to know you come from family like this? I treated you very well when we were married, you wanted for nothing. You only had to be happy. It makes me sick to think I onced loved you. "

Lilly was shocked. He had treated her well. But she was never in love with him. He was just a meal ticket. To her men were to be used. Even her current husband was good in bed and nothing else. She was already thinking of divorce and looking for a new rich one.

Soon Jack was back and sat down next to Alex. He had made sure everything was going good in the Van before his return.

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