
ANNOUNCEMENT: New Book (First Chapter)

From the author:

Hey... it's Vina (Missrealitybites). Thank you so, so much for your tremendous support for this book. I am forever grateful.

"The Alchemists" is the first book that I wrote after I stopped writing for over 15 years. This book is very, very important to me. And if you have read this far, including the spin-off, congratulations for reading around 1.7 million words for one book!

This is equal to 36 copies of "The Great Gatsby".

Looking back, I didn't know that I could someday become a real writer. So, getting this support from you means the world to me.

I think I have mentioned several times that I always dreamed to be a writer since I was 12, but then, my dream took a backseat when I was 20.

The last time I ever wrote anything in my adult life was in 2003 and then life (or they say 'shit') happened.

I thought I would never write again.

Well, I thought wrong.

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