
Alaric's Wrath

Portia was shocked to hear Caspar's remark about how Alexei almost killed Caspar's daughter. And Sophia knew about Aleksis' identity from the beginning?? She can't help but feel rage in her heart. She loved Alaric like her own son and she couldn't stand seeing him suffer like this.

"Sophia?" Portia turned to Sophia, who suddenly turned pale. "Alexei did that? Did you know about it?"

Sophia looked away, trying not to return Portia's sharp gaze.

"Sophia knew that Aleksis is my daughter. Has she never told you?" Caspar asked in puzzlement. He looked both disappointed and upset. Sophia clearly knew that Aleksis was his daughter, as she had also been the one who told Alexei about Caspar's daughter. "Sophia, I forgave you for pitting me and Finland, but it looks like you still haven't changed!"

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