
You are mine

Aleksis couldn't believe her brother would sell her so easily just to secure his position in a stupid poll!

Just you wait, she thought while pursing her lips. She will get some poisonous snakes and send them to her brother's house. She would enjoy listening to him screaming and yelling and record it as her bargaining chip for the next time she wanted him to do things her way.

A smile etched on her lips as she was thinking about it. It was then that Mel realized that the two were indeed siblings, because Aleksis and Terry were too alike, especially when they were angry like this. She finally smiled and didn't ask again.

"Anjali ... are we going to let the girl act all pretentious like that?" asked one of her cronies, looking at Aleksis in annoyance.

Anjali shook her head, "Of course not, but we shouldn't openly disturb her in front of Terry, I don't want Terry to hate me."

"Then what are your plans?"

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