
A family of her own

Finland almost couldn't believe her own eyes when the elevator door opened at the 40th floor and she saw the familiar door to Caspar's penthouse. She really missed this place.

Caspar opened the door and took Finland inside. His hand was still faithfully holding the girl's hand.

"Do you want to go straight to sleep or would you like to take a shower first?" Caspar asked. "There's a kimono in the closet."

Finland realized that she must look very disheveled and worn out after crying and kneeling for hours in the lobby. She hurriedly shook her head, "I want to take a shower first..."

"OK." Caspar entered a room, took a towel and a kimono, and gave it to her. "Do you need help?"

"N... no, thank you..." Finland suddenly looked uncomfortable. Of course, she could take a shower on her own. She didn't need any help, not even from Caspar.

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