
Death is a type of freedom

I woke up, I was in my cage. Same cage in which I have been living for..... I lost the sense of time, I think ..... I forgot how long. I heard cries from other cages. Poor souls. It's not as bad for me as it is for them. I'm lucky you see I caught the sight of the head honcho. I got special treatment, I got tortured and raped by the most powerful being on earth. But he is only one who made my life hell from the beginning. It's not the same for others. They got raped by whoever and whatever. So poor souls.

My whole body is aching. I want to leave this place and run far away from him. I tried honestly many times but I got caught again and again and every time torturing increased. I sometimes wish he got busy and forget about me but I'm not THAT lucky yet.

A guard opened the door of my cage and my fear spiked he called for me again, its going to happen again. He led the way I followed quietly. Outside the dungeon the air was fresh, it was the only time when I get to see outside world when he summons me. I kept my head lowered, they don't want me to look around and get the idea about how to runaway in my next try.

We quickly reached the hallways taking different turns. I noticed this way is different I never came this way before for however long I have lived in this hellhole. I looked at walls there were portraits of different people. I don't recognise any of them. Suddenly a portrait of a woman caught my eye and my eyes widened. I have imagined many things but seeing this woman here I can never thought of any thing that should result in this.

I looked at the guard and cleared my throat "cough hmmm."" Guard replied without looking at me "what is it? Don't cause any trouble." I asked him "Who is this woman in this portrait here?" He looked at the portrait, smiled and said "She was the most powerful witch in all the time in history. She was a major powerhouse in uprising." And my world crashed. I couldn't breathe so I bent down a little. He continued "It's so bad she didn't survived and died due to the injuries she endured during the uprising."

My feet wasn't able to held me up, I lost all the strength and fell down.there was only one thought running in my head "How can that be? How can that be? I'm a human. My mother was a human how can she turn out to be a witch?" If my mother was a witch and took part in uprising then that means all the things that humanity is enduring since uprising of supernatural community, my mother also have a hand in it. I was hoping of running away to find my mother or hoping that my mother would find me someday but what is this?

She is the reason for all my heartache and suffering. How could this be? After all the sufferings I have never thought of dying but now knowing that my mother was also the part of that cruelty I want to die. The guard noticed me sitting on the floor and came towards me I looked at him and an idea came to mind "death is also a type of freedom" After knowing what my mother did and who my mother was I have left no reason to live anymore. So I pulled his sword and thrust into my heart.

They never protected their weapons with me around. First they know that I can never overpower them and second I never wanted to die, only to runaway. So this was a surprise for him he never anticipated it. And I have never been this fast in my life. I just wanted to let go and to sleep, never wake up again after my mother's betrayal, i wanted everything to end. So I ended it with a smile. "Finally I'm free" that was my last thoughts my body slumped to the floor. I heard a loud booming roar and everything turned dark.

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