
Tony's attitude

Sabrina just fall asleep at six in the morning after she confirm from Samantha that it's a flu. Veronica caught a flu? That's quite impossible. Maybe the drug make her like that though she had drank a little. But she vomit it all. They have to know if the drug responded on the body immediately.

Her husband left early since Tony call for an emergency leave to take care of Veronica. Soon, she woke up from Samantha's call.

"There's 2 percent of the drug on her blood but it's not fatal. Her body is strong and her temperature drops little by little."

"Good. Let me know what you find. We have to risk a little to get samples from that club. Only Veronica can get in."

"I got it." Sabrina hang up and start making a plan for Veronica. She has to be safe though their mission is dangerous.


Tony gets irritated on her phone that keeps on ringing. Then he answer it.

"Veronica, where are you. It's past ten…"

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