
Encountering Spies - Part 1

Early in the morning on the breakfast table, Siera, and Ciera were sitting down, eating their food trying to not make any noise. On the same table, Granny Umba and Alex were instead having their food with great zeal and smiling from time to time while looking towards each other.

But whenever Granny Umba turned her eyes to Siera or her elder sister, Ciera, they would try not to meet her eyes and would bend their head down concentrate on their own food.

Seeing this, Granny Umba's smile would become even wider and she would chuckle to herself then. Alex, who had developed his thick face would also chuckle so as to give her company. 

To know the reason behind this weird atmosphere appearing on the table would be to look back sometime before when the girls were still busy rewarding Alex and his morning wood with their warm mouth.

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