
Jack's Current Skills & Techniques and Stats

[Name ; Jack Uzumaki

Affinities ; Lightning (High), Wind (High), Water (High), Earth (High), Fire (Mid), Yang (High-Mid), Yin (High), Wood (Mid), Scorch (Mid)

CP ; 20000/20000

CC ; 95%

HP ; 20000/20000

STR ; 1400

PER ; 1750

END ; 1500

CHR ; 1000

INT ; 1000

AGL ; 1500

LUK ; 75

~~~~~~~~~~ Skills ~~~~~~~~~~

Strong Fist ( Lv30/80 )

- Might Guy and Rock Lee's fighting style

- Strong Fist's purpose is mainly to cause External Damage and to Break opponents bones

- The Strong Fist is the exact opposite of the Gentle Fist used by the famed Hyuga Clan

- This style is only used my extremely physically powerful and dominating shinobi

- Passive +50% to STR

- +5 STR Every level obtained

- Able to unlock the fabled Hachimon Tonko ( 8 Gates ) after certain levels are accomplished

- Gate of Opening ~ Lv 10

- located in the brain, removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so 100% of the user's strength can be used whereas normally, a person can only use 20% of their muscles' strength to keep them from disintegrating. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus.

- Gate of Healing ~ Lv 20

- located in the brain, forcibly increases the user's physical strength and temporarily re-energises the body.

- Gate of Life ~ Lv 30

- located on the spinal cord, allows the user to use the Reverse Lotus. The increased blood flow turns the skin red.

- Gate of Pain ~ Lv 40

- located on the spinal cord, increases the user's speed and power. May cause muscle tissue to tear on use.

- Gate of Limit ~ Lv 50

- located in the abdomen, further increases the user's speed and power.

- Gate of View ~ Lv 60

- located in the stomach, increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of energy that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Once opened, capable users can perform the Morning Peacock.

- Gate of Wonder ~ Lv 70

- located below the stomach, further increases the user's speed and power. Only after this gate is activated can a capable user perform the Daytime Tiger. Those who open this gate will secrete glowing green — blue in the anime — sweat from every inch of their body which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people mistake as a chakra coating. Unfortunately, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibres are ripped to shreds, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches them.

- Gate of Death ~ Lv Max

- located at the heart, requires the user to stab their chest with their thumb to direct the chakra to

the tenketsu. Once opened, the user will enter what's known as the Eight Gates Released Formation. Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted approximately a hundred times their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body.

Fire Release : Great Fireball Technique ( Lv10/10 )

- A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire and expelled from the mouth, either as a massive sphere or as a continuous flame-thrower. The released flames will engulf their target, and is capable of leaving a crater in the ground's surface. The scope of this attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered.

- CPA ( Cost per Attack ) ~ 20 CP

Wind Release : Great Breakthrough

- The Wind Release: Great Breakthrough is a technique that creates a gust of wind, whose scale and usage varies depending on the user.

- CPA ~ 15 CP

Leaf Exercise Lv 10/10

-Using your chakra, you stick a leaf on a part of your body to increase control

-Passive +5% CC

-+1% Every Level

Tree Walking Exercise Lv 5/5

-Similar to the Leaf exercise, Use chakra to tick to a vertical or perpendicular surface

-Passive +5% CC

-+ 5% Every Level

Water Walking Exercise Lv 5/6

- Using varying amounts of chakra, user is able to walk on the surface of a body of water

-Passive +5% CC

-+ 5% Every Level

Armament Haki ( Lv 25/??? )

- Form of Haki that allows the user to use their spirit to create, in essence, an invisible armor around themselves. Most common of the 3 types of Haki

- Passive +50% STR

- +5 STR Every level achieved

Observation Haki ( Lv20/??? )

- Form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally

- Passive +50% PER

- +10 PER Every level Achieved

Sealing ( Lv5/10 )

- a type of jutsu that seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Fūinjutsu can also be used to restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone.

~ Sealing Apprentice ~

- Lv 1 ~ Can identify and create some storage and low powered exploding seals

- Lv 2 ~ Can identify and create Mid powered exploding seals

~ Sealing Master ~

- Lv 3 ~ Can identify and create Low level Barrier seals, and Large Sealing scrolls

- Lv 4 ~ Can identify and create High powered Exploding seals and Mid powered barrier seals

~ Sealing Elder ~

- Lv 5 ~ Can start to create low leveled original seals with effort

- Lv 6 ~ Can create and Identify Ultra-Powered Exploding seals and High level barriers

~ Sealing Grand Elder ~

- Lv 7 ~ Can start to create Mid leveled original seals with effort and can seal a weak tailed beast


- Lv 8 ~ Can disrupt nearby seals if you know what they are and can reproduce most lower leveled

seals with just a touch

~ Sealing Grand Master ~

- Lv 9 ~ Can create high level seals such as the Hiraishin with some effort, and can create any

known seal with just a touch and a little bit of blood

- Lv 10 ~ Can start to create unique summoning scrolls with a bit of effort and can summon the

Shinigami without reprecussions

Swordsmanship ( High-Mid )

- User Can start to comprehend the inner workings of the sword, and can sometimes feel the blade talking to the user

Wood Release : Wood Clone Technique ( Lv10/25 )

-A clone that is created by using chakra to alter the user's own cells into vegetation. The clones can be as simple in function as a wooden dummy for use in the Body Replacement Technique or completely mobile and able to perform jutsu

- Lv 10 ~ Can create clones 10 times better than the regular Shadow Clone

Wood Release : Multiple Wood Clone Technique ( Lv5/25 )

- Similar to the regular Wood Clone Technique - The User instead creates many different clones, like the Tajuu Kage Bunshin Technique

- Lv 5 ~ Can make a maximum of 120 clones

- Doubles limit every level

Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees ( Lv3/??? )

- A technique developed by Hashirama Senju, where the user forces trees to grow on any surface, easily creating a dense forest anywhere they choose

- It is unknown how many levels this technique has

- Lv 3 ~ Creates a forest a maximum of 25 meters in diameter

- Adds 5 Meters to its maximum diameter every level

Wood Release: Great Forest Technique ( Lv2/20 )

- A technique that changes one's own arm into big trees. Using chakra, the tissues are transformed into trees at the cellular level. Then, by activating the trees, stimulating them to grow rapidly, they lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches

- Lv 2 ~ Limbs can split into a maximum of 2 branches

- At maximum level the user can split into 20 branches

Tsukuyomi ( Lv2/20 )

- Tsukuyomi is a Mangekyō Sharingan dōjutsu and the most powerful genjutsu in existence.[2] Said to represent the "Spiritual World and Darkness"

- Lv 2 ~ Can trap opponent in Tsukuyomi world for a maximum of 24 Hours

- Every level adds 12 hours to the Maximum limit

Amaterasu ( Lv1/20 )

- Amaterasu is a Mangekyō Sharingan dōjutsu, and the highest level of Fire Release.[2] Said to represent the "Material World and Light"

- Lv 1 ~ Can hit a target at a maximum range of 10 meters

- Every level adds 10 meters to the maximum distance one can cast Amaterasu

Kotoamatsukami ( Lv1/10 )

- Kotoamatsukami is a dōjutsu that casts a powerful yet subtle mind-controlling genjutsu on the target

- Lv 1 ~ Can control up to Jonin level opponents

- Can control a higher level opponent every level achieved

Fire Style : Dragons Breath ( Lv1/25 )

- A technique similar to Fire Style : Great Fireball. This move releases a stream of fire, similar to what a dragon's breath looks like

- Lv 1 ~ Can shoot flames at a maximum distance of 20 meters, with a diameter of 1 meter

- Every level adds 5 meters to the max distance and .5 meters to the diameter

This will be updated and Changed whenever Jack learns new techniques / I give descriptions to already learned techniques or Jack's SPECIAL stats change

Most of this information is taken from the Naruto / One Piece Wiki - Go there if you have any questions about techniques and such

Next chapter is coming in a half hour, so stay tuned. I will also be updating the 'Even more info page' with.. more info later

Thank you

Faveryycreators' thoughts
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