
New Year, New People

It's the new school year. I now enter my new school, my new high school only for the best of the best of rich families. I then realize the time and I'm late for a student council meeting. As I run to the second floor where the library is located, I accidentally bump into this guy on the stairs. I start to fall back til he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him a bit. "I'm so sorry, I'm going to be late!" I say as I continue to run.

-Meanwhile Lucas P.O.V-

"Where's Ryan?" Andrew asks. "He will be running late I guess. But we actually have a new member." Blake replies, then states. "What's his name?" Danny asks. "It's actually a female..." Blake says. Me, Andrew, And Danny all laugh. "I'm serious-" He says. "Wait, what? I thought this was an all men club now?" I say. "Well apparently she made the cut, and has a 4.3 GPA on her last school record." Blake says. "She must be a smartass." Danny Says. "Language, you imbecile." Blake says. "Shut it, Black." Danny fights back. "Ok ok, enough." I say.

Suddenly, a door opens.

-Sunsets P.O.V-

I walk in to a group of guys staring at me. "Who might you be?" A guy with dark, black hair says. "I'm Sunset Rose, I'm the new student council member?" I say. "Well you awfully late so come join us at the table here, we are awaiting for another member to get here." The black haired guy says. "Well first things first, I'm Blake Young, The blondie over there is our president Luca Glann, the idiot with the white hair over to your left is Danny, our Secretary, And to your right with the chocolate brown hair is our representative, Andrew Oh." Blake says.

The door opens and then the guy I ran into enters the library and then joins us. He flips back his hair and says "Sorry I'm late". "Ryan, you can't keep being late." Blake says. "I know, I know." From what I heard, Ryan says. "So, are you single?" Danny asks.

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