
Metaphorically Kicking down the Gates


Xiao Qiangwei was meditating over the water, near the border of the beach, since there wasn't much light, Plum was able to travel through the shadows more easily, the others were getting really bored since they played many games before and the battery power of phones and tablets runned out.

Sora: Hey, Plum, shouldn't the Reception Boat be here by now?

Plum: Um, I, didn't I say that they'd only be here about midnight…

Sora: *Sigh* Hey Qiangwei, couldn't you do something about it? Like accelerating time…

Xiao Qiangwei opened one eye and answered.

Xiao Qiangwei: Even if I change your time perception you will get older anyways, and if you want to get there now I already know a solution.

Xiao Qiangwei stood up and walked on water, then he looked at the direction where Oceando should be, and started charging his power.

Right now he could easily smash flat a mountain with a simple gesture, but if he uses his 100% he could destroy half Europe, and when he reaches the Immortal Ascension he will be able to easily erase half America, and with half it means either the north or south America.

So he needs a bit more of strength to make way to the city through the sea.

Xiao Qiangwei: "Golden Immortal Finger: 2 Fingers"

The he extended 2 fingers towards the direction, and unlike the first time, when it created the illusion of a giant finger that acted as a wall, this time it created a small orb between the two fingers before it shot forward in a white glow.

The Golden Immortal Finger was not a single technique, it was divided in 5 stages:

Golden Immortal Finger: 1 Finger, previously used against the chess pieces during Chlammy's game, it creates a force that acts as a wall and push or destroy anything in front of the moving giant illusionary finger.

Golden Immortal Finger: 2 Fingers, used right now, it concentrates the Golden or Immortal Qi in a single point and releases it to a small beam that can be manipulated, if one reaches the Immortal Core stage its power is drastically increased.

Golden Immortal Finger: 3 Fingers, it creates 3 beams which are equal to each other, but all 3 of them goes in different direction, it is useful against groups or air attacks.

Golden Immortal Finger: 4 Fingers, it creates a sword around 2 meters of length, nothing much to say except that Xiao Qiangwei could use it only when he reaches the True Immortal realm.

Golden Immortal Finger: Genuine Immortal Finger, this is the apex of the cultivation technique, unlike the other stages, this uses only 1 finger, the index finger, only cultivators who reached the Heaven-Defying Core realm will be able to use it, and it consist of crushing everything on its way, without any mercy, simple yet destructive power.

Before it could reach the city, it stopped in mid air, as if it was an extremely long lightsaber, a bit less than 400 kilometers, but it's power was enough to keep the sea around a pair of kilometers away, leaving a dry land.

Since it was not considered violence creating a path, then the 1st Pledge was not broken.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, I made the path, Jibril, can you see the city?

Jibril: Yes, His Highness.

Xiao Qiangwei: Ok, shift the space around us, air included.

Jibril: Yes, I'm going to teleport the air in a radius of two hundred meters along with us then?

Xiao Qiangwei nodded, and she said to everyone.

Jibril: Everyone, please grab tightly, the distance to Oceando is 378,23 kilometers.

Then, Xiao Qiangwei deactivated the Golden Immortal Finger and grabbed Jibril, who shifted the space around them before the sea turned at its original form.

[At the other side]

The group consisting of:『 』, Steph, Jibril, Ino, Izuka and Miko appeared in the city, precisely at the top of a tower high enough to overlook the entire Oceando, and surrounding them there was an air bubble created from Jibril.

Xiao Qiangwei adjusted his Immortal Senses and when it stabilized, he was surprised from the scenery, some time later everyone else admired the place.

Oceando is a really great city, with immeasurable amounts of buildings that appeared to be built from stones from the bottom of the sea stood side by side.

The walls that were giving off a pearly glow had shells and corals pasted on them like bricks, creating wonderfully bright and fresh colors. Possibly due to the buoyancy of the water, complex formations and reverse cone-shaped buildings could be seen.

At another place there were countless glowing seaweeds and jellyfish, acting as natural streetlights.

Sora: This is a really great-looking city.

Plum: ...Hah, thanks for the compliment… Because this place was built and maintained by the Dhampirs… Haha…

Miko: *Sigh* You people, there's got to be a limit to your ignorance…

Sora: Eh?

Shiro: ...Is there… A problem?

Jibril: Oh, does the carnivorous subgenus of a mutt have something to say?

Steph took Miko's side and spoke loudly.

Steph: P-Parting the sea like that, no matter how you look at it it just seems like an act of hostility. doesn't it!? So, how are you planning to get us to their queen at this rate?

Xiao Qiangwei: I don't give a fuck. Like I told to Jibril, I ripped off someone's spine just to be the apprentice of one of the strongest entities in my old place, and it was really worth it, I don't have any problem from making way myself instead of waiting for them to come.

Instead, since we are gentle enough to accept their request to save their race, they should welcome us with a dance, shouldn't they? Besides, they are already coming.

Then Xiao Qiangwei turned around and looked at the seirens coming towards them, they were all females with the lower half of their bodies covered with scales and resembling fish tails, their breasts were shielded with small wraps of cloth, and their necks and wrists had leftover jewelry.

Sora: ...Ah, so those are the Seirens? Thanks god they weren't something like Cthulhu…

Steph: G-Guys, look over there, all those people are panicking… They really must be angry.

The seirens came in front of their bubble, after which they were gracefully swimming while spinning round and round in the water, displaying their glittering scales.

Shiro: ...Nii, this is their grateful and welcoming… Dance.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...I was just joking before…

After a while, a Seiren that appeared to be wearing the most beautiful jewelry swam forth, she waved both her hands and her mouth opened and closed randomly.

Sora: Oh… We're in the air Jibril created for us, and they're out there in the water… Sound probably won't travel.

Plum: Yeah… I'll go explain and drink some blood along the way so I can use the power from that to cast a spell that will allow all of you to breathe in the water, so please remove this air barrier after that…

After he finished his sentence, Plum immediately sprinted forward, broke through the air bubble and swam into the water.

Jibril: Even if we really are saviors of their species…

Miko: ...They still welcomed us this warmly after the gates to their city were forced open with an attack like that?

Xiao Qiangwei: Just ignore it, they are welcoming us and this is a good thing.

Later, Plum turned back full of energy and used her spell on Sora, Shiro, Steph, Ino, Izuna and Miko, while Xiao Qiangwei and Jibril were able to stay underwater as if nothing happened.

The air bubble disappeared, compressed in Jibril's hands in case of emergency and the Seiren immediately rushed to them.

?: Hello everyone, hehe. I am Her Majesty the Queen's representative, Amira! Everything's ok?

She had silky green hair, snow-white skin that was almost transparent, and clear blue eyes, she wore coral jewelry all about her, but she didn't give off a vulgar air.

Amira: Thank you all for coming, like really thanks a lot! Really, the only way I can express my feelings right now would be through a kiss! Fufu, right?

Xiao Qiangwei: 'They weren't joking when they said that Seirens are idiots…' No thanks…

Amira: Even in the depths of the ocean, rumors of the conquests of all three of you have reached here as well! The miraculous kings here to save the Imanity sounds like incredibly handsome people just by hearing about him, and your looks suit Amira's preference as well!! Right.

Sora: ...Oh, really?

It was the first time that he was called handsome by a girl. But somehow he wasn't happy at all, while Xiao Qiangwei just commented.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, now ca-

Amira: Aha! Your voices are so cool as well!! Amira's so wet… Ah, because I'm in the ocean… Hehe. (AN: This shit remembers me of the other Amira in Nine Tailed System…)

Xiao Qiangwei: *Sigh* 'Why didn't I made the Teleportation Array already and left?'

Amira: Oh, we've prepared a feast hehe! Would you like to have the food? Or… Perhaps… Have… Me?

Amira shook her body in attempt to seduce Sora and Xiao Qiangwei, but the only one seduced was Ino… Who accidentally revealed a lecherous expression while his temperature rose.

Xiao Qiangwei: As much as I like sleeping with women, we have other more important things to do, let us see the Empress.

Sora nodded in agreement, but Amira didn't seem to mind.

Amira: Ah, you really are as focused as they say. But if so Amira might like you even more, you know!

Sora: ...Really… Please lead us there.

Amira: Ok! So let's swim into the city, follow me, over here, phew…

With a smile on her face, Amira guided everyone in the city.


Hello guys, Grandmaster Higher Heaven, or like many of you call me, The_Paragon, is here.

I wanted to give you a good news:

In Webnovel, there is a certain novel called "In Another World with Discord", the Author is called ShunUchiha, but in reality, this is a collab with him, me, Evil_Dragon, and other 2 or 3 people

So I hoped you could support us by reading the novel.

Right now we are just at the beginning, but I promise you that the MC is not a little bitch, he is a reincarnated guy who entered the body of a prince and has Discord, connected to a server with me and everyone else, the server is not mine, so it's useless trying to be part of the novel only by entering the Higher Heaven Sect(my server).

The novel is on Eastern Fantasy, so it's a original novel.

PS: This will not slow down my novels, so don't worry about less chapters in future, it will always be 1 for each day.

hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you read the other novel too, comment, put PS, review and bye.

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