
The Family Meal

As the family sat to eat, the son and the daughter fought over who the dog would sit next to.

The wife gently admonished them, telling them that tables and chairs were for humans, whiles mutts ate on the floor. The two children were a little disappointed, but their moods became better when food was served. It looked like they were having quite a lot of exotic meat for lunch.

On the other hand, the dog was given a bowl filled with water and another filled with dog food.

To eat all of this, she was not to use her hands, but only her mouth. She had to lay with her limbs curled and her back bent on the floor while eating. It was difficult indeed for the girl to maintain such a posture and eat. She was soon having cramps and the food tasted disgusting. To drink the water, she had to use her tongue and whip it around in the bowl. It was ineffective.

By the end of her meal her face was filled with dog food. Some of it even went in her eyes and nose.

The whole family left on seeing this sight.

The son's laugh was the loudest and the wildest. The daughters laugh was quiet, but it was still a little uncontrolled and high pitch. The wife's laugh was the most refined and it was filled with mockery and disdain. The father's laugh was hearty and passionate.

All that was on his mind was doing the girl.

Even though the youngest member of the family, the three year old son, was not well-versed in table etiquette, he knew that the dog was doing it completely wrong. This made him feel superior to the dog. The same applied for the daughter.

To "teach" the dog to do a better job next time and not to make such a mess of her face, the son dunked her head into her water bowl and let her stay like that for a good minute.

The girl's face turned purple and she showed signs of being totally out of breath.

The family laughed once again at this sight.

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