
Workin' nine to five

Cynthinia awoke before William. He was still asleep so she wormed her way out of his bed and stood up. Walking over to the kitchen, she began to ponder on the previous night. If Charlotte was William's wife then why had she never seen her before and why had William never mentioned her in any conversation. She picked up the kettle, brought it to the sink, and began filling it up when she heard a rustle. She turned off the tap, placed the kettle back, turned it on, and sat at the end of William's bed. William rose up and yawned.

"Goood morning. Did you sleep well?" asked Cynthinia. William looked at her in shock then began to recall the event of the day before.

"I guess. I'm still alive which means you didn't kill me in my sleep. That's a good thing." replied William, grabbing a white shirt and putting it on while getting out of bed and walking over to the kitchen. He grabbed two mugs and a pot of coffee. "What do you want?" he asked holding up one of the mugs. Cynthinia thought for a bit. During her time in the mortal realm she had only drunk water, juice, and coffee - the most disgusting thing she had ever had - but she hadn't tried tea yet.

"I'll have some tea please."

"Ok, one tea coming up." William put a spoon of coffee into his mug and put a teabag in the other. The kettle finished and William poured the water into each. "Any milk or sugar?" he asked.

"Umm, lets try both." concluded Cynthinia.

"Have you never had tea before?"

"Well, no actually. Where I come from we don't have tea or coffee. When I came here though, I tried some coffee but it didn't end pleasantly."

"Oh. So where are you from Caitlin?" William poured some milk into both mugs while Cynthinia thought of 'central Australia' but the words she spoke were:

"Centralia." She bit her tongue.

"Oh, in Pennsylvania! That place is pretty deserted."

"But house prices were low."

"I guess that's a valid point." William put some sugar into Cynthinia's tea, stirred it and past it to her.

Cynthinia sipped it a little and felt the rush of the taste sweep over her. She looked at William who was chugging his coffee and brought it down after downing it taking a deep breath. He was wide eyed and was slightly shaking. He placed the cup down and opened the blinds. It was heavily raining.

"Perfect weather if I do say so myself." he said in a quicker and slightly higher pitched voice to his normal voice. He put on a pair of boots by the door and walked out. His clothes were instantly soaked as he brought out his trident. He began to twirl it in his fingers so far it became a blur to Cynthinia. He then stopped it and brought it down hard into the ground and the rain instantly stopped. He then brought it up and pointed at the ground and moved along like painting with a brush. The water soaked earth parted to make a metre wide and two metre deep trench running from the warehouse all the way into the distance. He then pointed at massive group of metre wide pipes that were stacked up in piles and the rain rushed towards them. The pipes were filled with water and raised as William raised his trident. Cynthinia sipped on her tea without losing focus on William - his symbol clearly showing through his shirt now stuck to his body - and in this better light she could make out scars over his toned body in a formation like that of a scratch from an animal. The pipes hovered over the trench and William quickly spread his arms wide like a conductor and the water in the pipes dispersed and dropped the pipes into place. He then painted the floor again but in the opposite direction and the earth closed up. He then turned to the caravan and bowed as if he had performed for an audience. Cynthinia put down her now finished mug of tea and clapped very elegantly. They both laughed.

William walked back into the caravan and Cynthinia threw a towel from the bathroom over his head.

"You don't to catch a cold. Go have a shower and warm up." said Cynthinia and William did as he was told. Cynthinia laid down on top of William's bed and looked outside the window. The rain had stopped and the sun now reflected off the small metallic object in the sky as it slowly made it's way down to earth.

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