
Chapter 14.

(POV Sanji)

It's been ten days so far and somehow I've advanced leaps and bounds in my cultivation. I am now a 6th stage mortal, but something is very strange.

Ever since I moved in, I have been tied in ropes to a majestic pole in the courtyard. I understand it was rude of me to march in on that rather interesting scene ten days ago, but it was an accident.

How could I predict my manly brothers were actually sisters?

No matter how I explained to them that I was already married or how my wife was far more beautiful than they could ever wish to be, they just got angrier and angrier. I couldn't get them to understand that I had no interest in them.

They also didn't believe I was really assigned to the same residence as them and thought I had done something to the other two people who were supposed to be lodging with them.

Even when I explained that it was my wife that was the fourth person, when they asked me where she was and I said, "in a somewhat far away but close place" they just became even more wary towards me.

My wife are you doing this on purpose? You could have easily just shown up in front of them for a minute and this whole problem would have been resolved. Is it because I saw two girls making out that you are throwing a small tantrum?

Although my little wife's reaction was slightly cold, on the seventh day my wife appeared before me with a strange and perplexed look on her face like she was met with something that had left her baffled and confused.

I was slightly embarrassed by my predicament so I acted like I was ignorant of my situation. I tried to act like a worldly sage who had long forgotten all mortal desires.

In the end we just stared at each other without voicing a single word. Eventually she shook her head and ripped open another rift in space and disappeared. When my wife had appeared I had just become a 5th realm mortal, perhaps that was what she was baffled by. I just sat here stuck to a pole while not even cultivating, yet my realm kept rising at a frightening pace.

It's not like I never thought about cultivating; but whenever I tried to, I got bored and quickly lost interest after getting distracted.

Even I'm baffled you know. At this point, I can easily breakout and escape these ropes but I fear that perhaps the reason for my rapid increase in power has to do with this majestic pole behind me. Perhaps these ropes are some sort of secret god tier artifact that can only be used in conjunction with this pole behind me. If I were to escape and it turned out to be the truth I would only be able to cry and could only wallow in regret.

Who's the idiot that said there's no free lunch in this world? I do nothing, but get stronger. Isn't that an awesome tradeoff? If I could live a lazy life like this forever, wouldn't that be great?

So I figured I'd just keep eating the free lunch that was handed to me while I could. If it runs out it would not be too late to escape at that point.

I had walked in on a magnificent scene ten days earlier and instead of punishment, they were nice enough to help me with my cultivation. Looking at them now, these two girls may actually be angels sent to assist me with losing my virginity in some strange twist of fate.

While I was thinking as such the two girls came for their routine visit. They placed a bowl of food in front of me before scurrying back towards their residence. They may be treating me like a criminal but they really aren't so bad.

They are at least kind enough to make sure I don't starve to death. However, there is one problem that I am not able to address. There is no way for me to use the washroom. I've been saving up for ten days you see. The wild has been calling me for several days now already. I can only pray I can last the whole month.

(POV Megumi)

What is with my dear husband? Is he some kind of masochist? Is he able to cultivate through humiliation? Does such a wonderful and quick method of cultivation exist?

I went on the seventh day to examine him closer because I could not believe my eyes. This little freak was breaking through realms by just farting all day while tied to a pole. Is this some sort of forbidden cultivation technique that even I cannot see through? Could the farts be expelling some kind of impurities in his body?

But… it's just a normal pole and rope. I even went to take a closer look because I doubted my eyes. Don't tell me he's stupid enough to think that the reason for his rapid growth is because he is tied to that pole. Husband, you can break out of that rope you know. Likely your pace of cultivation is not going to change.

Are you not bored sitting there with nothing to do? Wait, that is basically what cultivation is anyways. Husband, at least make it look like you're trying to cultivate though! You like posing, right? Well at least let a trail of sweat roll down your forehead instead of sitting there nonchalantly passing the time while secretly scratching your ass!

But now that I think about it; husband, surely you need a washroom by now. Right? You're just a mortal, how long can you hold back for?

Ah, the worries of a lonely wife seem to be endless.

Well, I suppose I can only worry so much. During the time my husband has been trapped I have also been observing little Han's actions recently. He has been diligently raising his strength over the last ten days unlike a certain someone. He even broke through to become a 7th realm mortal at a shockingly fast pace.

The sect seems to be unaware of his rapid advancement as he has hid it well. It seems my darling husband's words gave him some sort of enlightenment pertaining to his cultivation.

This child really is quite good for a mortal. But sadly, after seeing the cultivation monster that is my husband. Little Han's impact has been severely decreased due to my husband who does nothing yet raises his strength effortlessly,

(POV little Han)

Ever since meeting that hidden master I have advanced by leaps and bounds. Bottlenecks feel completely nonexistent.

His words truly shattered my small worldly views. I never even dared to dream that this realm was only a tiny wall before a greater mountain. If that was true, then just how powerful are those beyond the walls of this realm?

How can I slack off knowing of such things. I am grateful to my adoptive father; although the young patriarch of the sect may be an attractive position to people like Sai Hitu, I can't help but disdain such a small minded view point now.

I wonder where that great master is now and what he is doing.

He said we may cross paths once again if fate allows it and that he was joining the sect temporarily as well. Perhaps I should search him out.

While I was thinking such thoughts, a knocking sound came from the entrance of my cave. I walked over to the entrance and opened it up to see a fairy standing before me.

The master's wife stood there with a gentle smile on her face as she looked at me. Anytime I looked directly at her my heart would skip a beat. It was such a shame that she was already married though. Her husband must be unbelievably strong to have such a charming wife at his beck and call.

"Greetings senior sister fairy Meg, what brings you to see this humble one? Is it matters regarding venerable one's husband?"

"Yes, I suppose you could say it is related to him in a way. My stupid husband has gone into seclusion for a month and I am trying to pass the time. Would you like to go see something interesting with me?"

I naively nodded my head without thinking too much. For some reason I felt like I would be unable to refuse any request she had of me. Without realizing it, I was already following behind the beautiful fairy as she led the way. Where we were headed I had no idea and I felt like there was no need to ask. Just following behind her and seeing her back view kept me in a daze and trance.

Every step she took felt like there was some sort of profound law at work. Every time her frail and weak looking arm moved it felt like if she wanted she could shatter the entire world. It was a rather incongruous scene but it felt natural in it's own way.

Her husband truly is such a lucky man to have a woman of such caliber as his wife. Perhaps when I'm older even I could win the heart of such a beauty like this.

In my dazed state, after several tens of minutes had passed, the fairy in front of me came to a stop in front of a courtyard. She gently lifted a finger and she pointed towards a pole inside the courtyard.

Looking closer I could see a man tied in ropes to the pole. It was a very strange scene. After taking a closer look at the facial features of the one who was tied up, it appeared to be her husband.

I looked back toward the wife but she had disappeared from my sight. It was like her guiding me earlier was nothing but a mere illusion.

I turned back to see the expression of the husband and he was looking towards me with a calm unperturbed expression like this was all his arrangement.

If I knew that his mind was presently in complete chaos at my sudden arrival, I'm really not too sure how I would have felt.

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