
chapter 19 ANOTHER RESCUE.

The next day Ijey rushed off to work at about 8.15am she couldn't even wait for breakfast. Work was calling and she was running late already she didn't want to run into Ceo Shen Yi she had always managed to avoid him, coming to the office early and treating her files on time and to the best of her knowledge thereby avoiding him only on meeting days does she see him and he hardly finds fault with her assignments.

Ijey does not understand why anytime they are in the same room the air seem to vanish she can't breath properly and she is in a loss for words and he doesn't help matters always staring at her like he wanted to see into her soul, when they spoke to each other it was always in one word responses but recently with her coming late they have been running into each other. The other day she had to confirm with security if he had already gone in before she headed to her office space oh! what a headache she taught.

Today she had to do same asking one of the security as she parked if he was in, hey! Richard is he in? yes he is in Miss Ijey, I heard he is in a bad mood and sent for all department directors, Richard replied and you are late again madam.

Ijey panicked, he sent for us like how many minutes ago? aish! am in trouble, not long ago if you hurried then perhaps boss won't get upset Richard replied. Ijey rushed off to her office she didn't even pay any attention to Mrs Raina Dumont her secretary who greeted her, and picked up some files from her desk then headed to the conference room.

On getting to the room she met them already deliberating with a straight face she greeted good morning Ceo Shen Yi, good morning all, and took a seat, they Ceo didn't even raise his head from the head logistics file explanation. The meeting went on then he got to her department and she gave him her report while he stared at her with a squint making her almost stutter, any questions she asked but no one said anything, then ceo shen Yi said since there is no questions director Ijey can take her seat but i will see you briefly after the meeting understood? he asked Ijey, ok sir ijey replied.

all went well until the last department gave their report.


Ayanna had a more quiet morning, though her cook moved in with her things and settled in, Mrs Ira Lutra her cook handed her the rooster she made for food, so Ayanna told her she will go through it and let her know if there were any adjustment, she dropped the book she was reading and went through it.

The cook went to the kitchen to get lunch ready as the household has already had had breakfast, of bread scone and tea she can see from the leftover crumbs, it was while she was cleaning up that Ayanna returned the rooster with little or no adjustment but for the tea she liked quality tea so will be ordering some premium teas also to always have so light food prepared at all times because apart from regular meals she also eat at irregular hours.

Then she went into her bedroom for some time alone, in her room she sat down on the floor and folded her legs one fold in and the other folded in on top of it in the typical yoga form then raising her arms she took in deep breaths of air, breathing in and out then closing her eyes she went into deep meditative state clearing her mind of any taught. She stayed in this position for such a long time after about fifty minutes in that position she heard a male voice in great sorrow, pain and uncertainty.

In a suburb about two kilometers away Lu Jianghong was in serious pain and uncertainty what should he do his father just passed away about two weeks ago and his creditors are already demanding he pays up all his fathers debts there was nothing left yet they kept coming. He has not even been to college as it is he will have to drop out of school perhaps he should end it all, no one wanted to help him so its better this was what he was considering when his soul distress rang in Ayannas meditation since she was already in a meditative state it was very easy for her to trace the call for help.

Getting there she found the house and hurried in, of course he cant see her so she spoke to his mind its obvious he wanted to kill himself since there was a sharp knife with him calling out his name Lu Jianghong you know you shouldn't do it Ayanna said, this sudden voice caused Lu Jianghong to be startled and he whirled around searching for the owner of the voice but couldn't see anyone.


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