
Peace. For now,

I woke the next morning to a not so pleasant surprise, A zombie was trying to get over to our group with skates on. He was flopping all over the place making so much noise. I got up and I reached for the bat, but the a blade flew through the air and stuck in its head. I jumped high enough to almost hit the ceiling. I went to investigate the corpse, a kunai* was stuck in it's head. I looked around, Brandon one of the kids from my bus was the only other person up and he had two kunai in his hand. "Why do you have those?" I was intrigued, "I'm always prepared," he boasted. He went further into detail, he said " I just think they're cool, I guess is because they have many uses," he finished. My mouth was agape, everyone was awake now. Since we weren't going to lay around all day, we headed out to look for survivors. The drive was dreadful, there weren't any zombies but the streets were covered in corpses and destruction. We arrived at Sporting Goods INC. to get supplies and to look for civilians holding it up as a base. As we entered the store, there were two people wrestling zombies to the ground!

*kunai are Japanese throwing knives that were originally used as farming tools

kamesukicreators' thoughts
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