
Cogs in the Machine (Part 2)

Lith took the Suneater's hand and triggered the mind link.

Everyone understood the severity of the information when color drained from Lith's face and his eyes turned from cold to shocked as if he was about to face his own execution.

A wave of Lith's hand conjured a new set of holographic arrays that overlapped with Aalejah's scaled model, adding small but unsettling details to it.

The magical formations did more than just overlap. The runes comprising them interacted with each other like the teeth of neighboring cogs. Arrays were static by nature but those Lith was showing were capable of rotating on their respective axis.

"As you can see, this is the main issue when dealing with a World Tree." Tezka explained since Lith was too focused on studying the hologram to speak. "By changing the runes in the various contact points, each array can produce many different effects.

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