
Lost Childhood (Part 2)

Even Lith wouldn't be capable of erasing every single trace of such an activity. At least not if it was a regular occurrence.

'Slip-ups happen even to me, let alone to brainless creat- The fuck?' He noticed marks in the stalks of the tallest plants and they clearly were caused by claws.

Yet the blow had been so weak that it hadn't cut all the way through, leaving the stems damaged but standing. Also, even though the creatures' footprints overlapped, making it hard to identify a pattern, it was still feasible for Lith.

His years spent in the Trawn woods with Protector had taught him how to read traces and his tours as a Ranger had given him plenty of opportunity to also practice with his bestial senses.

The problem was that there was no pattern at all.

Lith could discern dozens of different smells and all of them overlapped with no rhyme or reason.

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