
True Love (Part 1)

'Let's see if this works.' Lith shapeshifted into his Voidfeather Dragon form, hiding the Abomination side behind the bright violet light of the stars that formed the constellation of the Divine Beast's life force.

Without the Void, the black souls had no way to access the Chaos necessary to turn into Abominations, and with the gate closed, their numbers couldn't increase any longer.

To make matters worse for them, unlike the Tiamat form, every single scale that covered the body of the Voidfeather Dragon bore a rune on its surface, not just his feathers.

The red scales burned with the power of the Cursed Elements and drew the souls inside, trapping them.

'How do we escape?' Lith was dead tired.

Pulling the Void in had saved his life force from harm but had drained most of his energy. He could barely keep his eyes open, let alone stand.

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