
Burden of Command (Part 1)

"So far Peonia has been a loyal ally." Lith scolded Solus. "You've seen what Morn and those idiots in the Royal Court tried to do behind my back. Peonia is the reason Lutia is safe and my Queen's Corps escort has not been revoked despite the war.

"Without her, we would worry about our family all day and the quality of our work would suffer every time we leave for the Desert. I owe her this much." Then he turned the amulet on.

"How can I be of assistance today, Your Majesty?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Peonia?" The Princess pouted. "You need to get used to it because if you call me like that in public, everything would have been for naught."

"Fine, Peonia. How are you doing?" Lith always opened their conversations that way to reaffirm that he considered their relationship strictly professional.

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