
The Day of Fate (Part 5)

After Peonia returned, Vastor took his place at her right, in front of his guests while Zinya moved to her left, standing in front of her friends and family.

Lith and Marth were beside Vastor as his groomsmen while Kamila and Elina were Zinya's bridesmaids.

The Princess was not only the guest of honor, but also charged with officiating the marriage in place of the King who in times of crisis couldn't leave the capitol.

"Dear guests, we are gathered today to celebrate the union of Zogar Gryron Svent Vastor and Zinya Yehval. Some people outside these walls may object that a marriage between two individuals with such a great difference in upbringing, social status, and power is madness.

"Yet those people would be wrong because by focusing solely on how different Zogar and Zinya are, they fail to see the similarities. Zogar and Zinya had a rough life that led them to completely different paths, yet it was one of those hardships that made them meet.

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