
Unveiling the Truth (Part 2)

She looked like a slender woman in her late fifties, but her real age neared the six hundred years. She was barely 1.6 meters (5'3") tall, with brown eyes and delicate features.

Yet both her expression and her voice were cold, making her resemble a strict drill sergeant. She wore her long black hair down, revealing them to be streaked with silver and brown all over.

Age had turned some strands of hair into a silvery-white yet they didn't make her look old so much as imposing. Raagu's frame was so thin that a casual onlooker would have been worried that a sudden gust of wind might blow her away.

Once they came close to her, however, they would perceive the vigor that her bright violet core bestowed upon her body, allowing her to fight on par with most Emperor Beasts.

Even her emerald green robe was as deceptive as its wearer. Unlike normal enchanted items, Raagu's clothes didn't hold spells but arrays whose runes had been woven along with the fabric.

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