
Friends and Enemies (Part 1)

"What do you mean?" Lith trusted Faluel, but the Wyvern appeared too confident to dismiss his words as lies.

"First, any decent Dimensional Mage can perceive the spatial distortion surrounding your body. It's the proof you have an omni pocket. A rare and powerful device the capacity of which increases with its user strength.

"Also, unlike common dimensional items, once someone has imprinted an omni pocket, they can access their storage space even though they don't carry it on them. It makes its owner unpredictable and very dangerous." Xedros said.

"Let's say I do have one, in what way is it any different from other dimensional items? I'm not an Emperor Beast so I don't go around butt naked. Anyone who wears clothes can also have several storage devices." Lith shrugged.

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