
Spirit and Light Magic (Part 2)

"Frigging cold." She shivered when a cold draft from the cave entered the room.

"Fine, but the materials are on you." Lith said.

"Deal. Say goodbye to your family for me and call me only if either you really need my help or you can properly introduce me. I hate lying to be accepted. I don't need anything from them, it's them who need my help."

Lith gave her a deep bow and went to give the good news to his family.

"If you have any questions, ask Quylla. I'll be back in a jiffy with Kami and Zin. They must be worried sick." He said while Hushing the living room, to keep their cries of joy from waking Rena up.

"Wait, how the heck did Faluel control Rena's metabolism? There's no spell I know that can do that. Also, how is it possible that after hours of treatment you and I are exhausted while those two didn't even break a sweat?" Quylla asked Nalrond.

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