
Hard Truth (Part 2)

'I really hope that Lith understands how important the few years he has left with his friends are.' Tyris thought. 'Without roots, a man is nothing but a leaf in the wind that is life. My beloved Valeron didn't abdicate to prevent others to discover about his long life.

'With me by his side, there was no one that could threaten him or our children. He left all that he had fought so hard to build simply because he had no one to share it with anymore.

'He loved me dearly, and so he loved our children and grandchildren, but after over a century, he couldn't stand being a relic of the past, nor seeing our kids become old while he remained young.

'Valeron begged me countless times to Awaken them, and that was his only plea that I could never fulfill. It broke his heart and almost our relationship. Yet it was Arthan's treachery that killed him.

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