
Trolls (Part 1)

"Do you mean they aren't your friends? That sure would explain a lot." Phillard said while moving away from the menace as fast as he could.

"Of course they are no friends of mine! There have never been trolls in the Trawn woods. More importantly, what the heck are trolls?" Reaper asked.

Phillard pondered for a second, trying to remember Scarlett's words correctly.

"Trolls are one of the Fallen races. They were once humanoid creatures of great wisdom and longevity. Like us magical beasts they were in tune with two elements, but they were the same for everyone, light and darkness.

At the same time, like humans, they could freely learn all kinds of magic.

"Their major weak point was their low reproductive ability, you know, for balance and stuff. They were superior to us, but too few in number to expand their dominion. At some point, they decided to solve their problem with magic.

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